Chapter 23

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The next day...

April 28th, 2021


"Things I Didn't Know."

Ms Banks house...

Ms Banks POV
I am still in disbelief about what happened. It doesn't feel real, it feels like a nightmare. I wonder where does the police get that false information from? Who gave them that false information? Ciera is one of the sweetest people I know. So she wouldn't dare kill anyone. Especially not the father of her child.

It is currently 6:30 AM which means it's time to get Khalil up. I have a 3 bedroom house and I let Khalil sleep in 1 of the 3 bedrooms.

"Khalil, it's time to wake up sweet boy." I called out. Standing over him, waiting for him to open his eyes. He is up but he just won't open his eyes. Poor baby didn't rest well last night..

"Come on Khalil, you don't want to be late for school." I reminded him. He opened his eyes and stretched his body out.

He finally looked at me.

"Hey." I said softly. He waived his hand. "Look baby boy, I know you got a lot on your mind, I understand that but I need you to just focus on school right now." I encouraged him.

"How? My mommy's in jail and my dad is... dead." He spoke. "Do you think that my mom killed him?" He questioned me.

"No... never in a million years." I assured him. "Why would you think something like that?" I wondered.  "Because.... My dad was abusive and... the last time I seen him was the day before yesterday. He met me at the bus stop.. I asked him could he stay until I get off the bus. He said that he would... I never seen him again after that."  Khalil exposed.

I raised an eyebrow. "And that makes you think that your mother may have had something to do with it?" "Yes. Because they both were angry at each other. My mom only agreed to him staying until I get off the bus for the sake of me. I believe my dad probably tried to hit her and out of self defense she might've accidentally killed him."

The little boy eyes started to water up. "But she could've handled it in a better way." He said as his waterworks started. Like any normal person, I pulled him close to me and comforted him.

"It's going to be okay Khalil. I personally don't think your mom did anything like that but... Im not around your mom 24/7 so you know a lot more than I do..." I trailed off.

"But please... don't accuse her right now, okay? Don't. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Remember that." I lectured, he nodded.

"Now, I have to call your grandmother to inform her about all of this and she will come and get you today... also-" I stood up and grabbed one of his outfits. I laid his outfit down on the bed.

"I got this outfit from your house yesterday. I also got your toothbrush and other things.. so I need you to get ready for school. Alright?" He nodded.

"And don't tell anyone at school what happened. Not your teachers, not even your friends. Your mother wouldn't want that and I don't want it either. Understand?" "Yes ma'am." He replied.

"Okay. Let me leave so you can get ready." I said. I exited out the bedroom and closed the door behind me so that he can have some privacy.

If I'm being honest here, Khalil's story makes lots of sense. I just can't imagine Ciera killing anyone but sometimes people will surprise you.

2 hours later...

8:45 PM

Penda POV
I didn't get much rest last night. Matter of fact, I didn't go to sleep until 5:30 in the morning. I'm worried about Dashon. He was suppose to come home last night but he never did.

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