Chapter 8

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Chapter 8,
"Protective parent."

Previously on When I Met You...

When he looked up, he seen Lauren's car pulling up in the yard and a police car right in front of her. "What the fuck?" He said out loud.

Penda walked up to the door. "Is everything ok?" Penda asked coming up to the door.

"Lauren got the police over here for some reason. Tell my daughters to go in their room and you and the kids go in the guest room or somewhere so you won't get noticed." He told them.

"Ok." She walked away.

Lauren got out the car and so did a white male police officer.

"Problem officer?" Said Dashon as he stepped off the porch. "Yes, there is a problem. We got a complaint saying you won't let Mrs. Howard see her daughters. She is the mother, she has every right to see them so pack up their things and hand them over right now!"

The present...

Third person's POV

"Wait... what?" Said Dashon. The officer looked annoyed. "Don't play with me dude. Get the kids, pack up their things so they can go with their mother. She is their mother you can't keep them away from her." He spoke.

"But I am their father- and like I said before she is their mother. I'm not going to go back and fourth with you." The policemen cut him off.

Dashon wanted to say some things right now. And those things weren't nice either. He had to hold his cool and remember that he needs to be here for his daughters. And he can't do that by being in jail can he? No.

"Officer I never tried to keep Mrs. Howard away from our daughters okay? I just don't want them around her new boyfriend and girlfriend-"

"Boyfriend and girlfriend?" The officer asked raising his brow. "Yeah, I am in a poly relationship." "Oh..."

"Exactly. And I don't know these people, never met them. So I don't know how they are around kids and I don't know how they are going to treat my kids. What makes it even worse is they are actually going to be staying together. And then on top of that, what if this dude tries to play daddy to my daughters? Or what if he treats them bad? Officer if you have kids you should understand where I am coming from." He vented.

"I do have kids so I most definitely understand where you are coming from man. But by law, I can't let her leave without her kids. Unless you have some evidence of abuse or that they might abuse those kids, I can't let you keep them." The officer informed.

Dashon nodded understanding where he was coming from.

"So that means I have to give them to her.... Right?" He said with his voice cracking. The officer really felt bad for him. At first it seemed like he was just a bitter baby daddy but now the officer sees that this man seems to be a good father. The officer himself has been in a situation like this before so he knows how Shon feels.

"If you don't have no type of evidence then yes, you have to give her the kids." The officer said in a sad tone. Really feeling sorry for him.

Dashon fought back the tears that he wanted to cry.

"Okay." He simply stated. Lauren and the officer was about to follow him inside the house until he stopped them.

"Wait...can I... can I-" he struggled to get words out. "Take your time sir." The officer comforted him seeing he was getting himself worked up.

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