Chapter 25

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The Next Day...
April 29th, 2021
5:30 PM

Lauren POV
So right now, I am at the jailhouse and I brought the girls right along with me. Dashon doesn't know that I'm coming to see him so this should be a surprise.... I guess.

An officer walked in. "Ms. London, Dashon Howard is ready to see you." The officer announced. I stood up with quickness.

And so did the twins. I paused for a minute, the kids looked up at me curiously. Wanting to know why I am just standing there.

"Y'all go see him first." I tossed. "Why can't you come with us?" Bri questioned.

"Because the conversation I want to have with your dad, requires privacy. Not for you two to be listening in on." I explained.

They nodded. "Now go on." I said softly.

Dashon POV
One of the officers came and got me out of my cell. According to them, I have a visitor. I wonder who that is because no one has mentioned anything about visiting me today.

Penda told me that she will visit me next week and so did my mama. But as far as visiting me today? No. So who could this be?

Maybe it's my uncle? The only thing I can do is guess at this point. I'd just have to sit down and wait, and that is what I am doing right now. When the person- well excuse me, when the people walked in, I was surprised and happy.

It was my daughters who came to visit me. Ari sat down on the left side towards the phone and Bri sat on the right side, right beside her sister.

Since Ari was closer to the phone, of course she picked it up.

"Hi dad." She said with a smile on her face. "Hey princess. Daddy misses you so much. I wish I could hug the both of you right now." I admitted. She kept that beautiful smile on her face. I smiled right along with her looking at the both of my girls.

"Tell Bri I said hey." Ari pulled the phone away from her ear and even though I can't hear what those two were talking about through the glass, I know that she told Bri what I said.

She then put the phone back up to her ear.

"I'm back. She said hey and that she loves you." I turned my attention towards her. We made eye contact and I blew her a kiss to signify that I love her too. She blew a kiss back at me.

I then continued my conversation with Ari. "Where's your mother?" I asked her.

"She said she wants to talk to you in private without us being around so... she's letting us talk to you first and then after that she'll come in." Ari confirmed.

"Okay. How you been doing?" She looked down with a sad expression on her face.

"I don't want to deal with these kids talking about you... it's only a matter of time before the news get out." She spoke.

Damn.... I didn't even think about that. Oh yeah it's really about to be a lot of drama.

"Don't worry about what them kids say. You talk to your mama about it?" "Yeah, I did. Unfortunately, since we only have less than a month before summer break, no new schools or homeschools are accepting students so we have to deal with it for now.." she told me.

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