Chapter 24

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The same day
April 28th, 2021
"Accepting Accountability"

Will POV
So as you can guess, I am headed to the police station. My boss had texted me and told me to come to the police station for whatever reason so.. here I am. I wonder what this is about.

Mind you, this is my day off. So yes I am annoyed that I have to come to my work place on my day off. What type of bull crap is that?

I know where his office is so no one had to give me instructions. His door is closed so I knocked on it a good three times. Softly, of course.

"Come in." He said. Once I opened the door, I made sure to close it when I made my way in. "Have a seat." He said in an orderly tone.

I pulled one of his chairs back from the desk and sat down. I folded my hands together.

"What's up?" I tried to hide the irritation in my voice but I guess he noticed it.

"You sound.... Irritated." He noticed, I sighed. "I mean.. I have to come to the place where I work on my day off so yes, I guess you can say I am irritated." I spoke truthfully.

He gave an understanding nod. "Okay, I'll make this quick then." He said.

"Concerning Malik Johnson's case.. you know you are guilty too, right?" My eyes widened.

"W-What? How am I guilty?" I questioned, genuinely confused. I am the one who gathered up evidence against Dashon and his sister, I am the one who told my team where Shon hid the body, I am the one who brought this man family JUSTICE. So in what world would that make me guilty? If anything, people should thank me.

"You are guilty because you let it go too far. The moment that boy told you about his plan, you should've arrested him right then and there. But instead you dragged the whole thing and actually waited until he hid the body to lock him up." My boss explained. I still disagree with him on this.

"I did that so I could gather up evidence." I defended. "I understand that.. trust me, I know that you had good intentions. But technically.... You helped him hide that body, Will. So that makes you guilty too." He explained.

"That's crazy..." I said, still in denial and disagreement. "You have to be punished for this.." I looked at him curiously.

"And that punishment is a six month suspension." He announced. "WHAT!?" I yelled. Voice full of anger and surprise.

"Lower your voice. I talked to the family and that's what they wanted. Be glad they didn't request for you to do jail time." He spat.

"Nah, that's bullshit. I only played along with him so I can gather up evidence. What part of that don't y'all get!?" I argued.

"If you don't calm down, I'll disregard the family's request and just have you do jail time instead." He threatened. I took some deep breaths to try and calm myself down because I definitely don't want that. But this is still bullshit.

"Be happy Will. They let you get off easy. Because honestly, if it was any other family they would've requested for your ass to do jail time or lose your job and you know that! Instead, these folks just asked that you get suspended for a little while and here you are acting a damn fool. TAKE SOME ACCOUNTABILITY!" He slammed his hand on his desk towards the end of his sentence.

Which made me jump because I didn't expect him to do that. Don't get me wrong, I've seen my boss be angry before but not this angry. I guess I brought him to that point.

"Yes sir. Sorry for my outburst.. I just... was... shocked." I tried to make up an excuse. But it's the truth though.

He rolled his eyes, completely over my shit. "Today is the 28th of April. The 28th of October will make six months so don't come back here until then." He announced.

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