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"ᵀʰᵃᵗ ⁱˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᴵ ˢᵃⁱᵈ"


"Woah, woah, woah. Where do you think you're going?" Roxie grabbed a hold of Kenji's shoulders. She then turned to look at Violet, shaking her head. "Violet Myers, I'm not surprised to see you with this bunch. What would your parents think?"

"Ma'am, if I may politely ask," Violet glanced away from the camp counselor with a light scoff. "What's the worst they could do? Send me away?"

The kids had all went back to the cabin. They got yelled at again for going into the dinosaur pit. Which was extremely dangerous and Violet didn't blame the counselors because they could have lost their jobs and the kids are in their care. But they also did sign a waiver.

"We gave Brooklynn a warning for sneaking out what you three chuckleheads did-"

Roxie angrily walked over to the three sitting on the couch. "Especially you two. Kenji! Violet! Your recklessness put yours, Darius, and Daves lives in danger! We should call your parents-"

"It was my fault!" Darius quickly shouted out. "I jumped into the pit. Kenji was trying to...save me."

Violet turned to look at Darius, amused with a bit of confusion as to why he was lying. Him and Darius must have had a talk before.

Roxie looked at them, giving them a look, "I'm sorry, so, Darius the dino-genius was saved by Kenji, the kid who thinks dinosaurs went extinct because, and I quote, their farts turned the air trashy?" She looked at them not believing a single word, then turned to the troublemaker girl. "And you Violet, what's your excuse?"

"Huh?" Violet looked up after hearing her name. She pulled a cheeky smile, "Oh, me...uhm, yeah, I saw the dinosaur heading right to them and jumped on it. Heroically of course, and I did not harm them. Not the most comfortable ride I've had but also not the worst."

"Violet!" Dave widened his eyes with his mouth open. "You rode the dinosaur!?"

Violet furrowed her brows at him, realizing that she probably shouldn't have added that. "Did I say ride." A laugh purposely escaped her mouth. "I meant glide. I was gliding down the wall." She swished her hand down like an airplane motion then looked at him with an innocent smile. "Like that."

Going back to the rooms, Violet walked up to her bed to be faced with Yasmina who turned around on the top bunk. "Heard you rode a dino."

Violet softly chuckled, trying not to be loud. "You heard that?"

"Oh, I heard it all. I think everyone in here heard Dave and Roxie yelling at you guys." Yasmina rolled her eyes and did her Dave impression. "Violet, you rode the raptor!?" She whispered out in a shout. "Real nice save by the way...glide, I mean really." She sarcastically spoke as she went to lay on her back, looking up at the ceiling. "I thought you were smarter."

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