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"ʸᵒᵘ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ˢᵉᵉ ᵐʸ ᵁⁿᵇᵒˣⁱⁿᵍ ᴷᵃᵗʰᵐᵃⁿᵈᵘ ᵛⁱᵈᵉᵒ, ᴴᵃᶜᵏˢ ᶠᵒʳ ʷʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᶜᵏ ʸᵒᵘʳˢᵉˡᶠ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʰᵒᵗᵉˡ ʳᵒᵒᵐ"


They all reached the observation tower but the gate doors on the bottom were locked when they tried to enter.

Ben walked over to Kenji who tried opening the door. "Oh, wow. Guess we can't get in." He spoke out, acting like he wasn't happy the doors were locked.

Violet walked up to the gate, looking up at it. "We could try to climb it?"

Ben widened his eyes at her as he went to look up at the gate. "Are you sure that's safe?"

Kenji turned around, looking over the area and surroundings. "Wait, where is everybody? Uh, there's usually someone around."

"Maybe they had an upset stomach." Violet added, not really caring or finding it suspicious.


Brooklynn put her hand behind her head. "If we're doing this." She took a hairpin out of her hair. "Then we might as well do this." She began to lock and pick the door.

Violet leaned beside Brooklynn, watching the pin move around the lock. "Maybe I should become a Brooklander?"

"You really should. You'd learn many skills." Brooklynn smiled at her as the door opened. She stood up, turning around to the others. "Ta-da!"

They all looked at her, surprised, not expecting her to pick the lock.

"What?" Brooklynn sent them all a smile. "You didn't see my Unboxing Kathmandu video, Hacks for when you lock yourself out of your hotel room?" She put the pin back in her hair with a proud smile.

"Last to the top is a rotten egg!" Sammy shouted out, trying to get a headstart.

Violet hurried to run past them all but Yasmina was quick to catch up and run past her. "Later, rotten egg."

Violet scoffed as she tried to keep up with her. "That's so not fair!" This just made Yasmina laugh at her. "You're an elite athlete."

Yasmina had a smile on her face. "Keep whining. That's what losers do."

Reaching the top, Yasmina was first then Violet followed by Sammy.

Sammy was breathing hard, leaning on the edge. "Is anybody else hot?"

"Definitely." Violet put her elbows on the wooden edge, smiling up at the sky. She then turned around to see Kenji laying on the stairs. She was more surprised to see that Ben made it before him.

They all felt the ground start to shake. All of them now leaned close to the edge, trying to see what it was.

"There's something out there." Brooklynn whispered from behind them.

"Something big." Darius continued to look down at the ground.

They all sighed in relief at what they saw come out from the trees.

"It's just a brachiosaurus."

Darius continued looking at all the trees, confused. "But that doesn't make sense. Brachiosauruses don't roar like that." He started to try and imitate how they sound.

Two adults came running at the bottom by the gate, shouting at them.

"What are they saying?" Darius looked back at them.

Violet looked down, "Brooke, you wouldn't happen to have done a video on, hacks for when you can't hear someone because of how far they are?"

Brooklynn furrowed her brows at the long question. "I'm actually not sure-oh, yes I did but there's a lot of tools and other stuff involved. It was a long process."

Violet was surprised to hear that she had actually done a video similar to that.

"Oh great!" Ben looked at them, worried and nervous. "They look mad. I told you we'd get in trouble."

Kenji tried shouting back at them.

Everyone took steps back when they saw the dinosaur fall after a roar. They watched as another dinosaur walked out from the trees behind the adults and ate them each.

"What is that?" Yasmine looked down at it, not recognizing or knowing the dinosaur.

"A t-rex?" Violet furrowed her brows at it. She didn't even believe her own guess that it was a t-rex.

Brooklynn walked backwards, pacing. "Dr. Wu's lab. There was a dinosaur. In-"

"Indominus Rex." Sammy whispered out loud.

Brooklynn stopped walking and looked at her. "How do you know that name?"

"But there's no dinosaur named-" Darius knew every single dinosaur name and never heard of that one.

All the kids were panicking, not knowing what to do. Sammy insisted they leave but Kenji brought up that down there wasn't safe and up there was. He put his hands on Darius' shoulder. "Besides, this high up, it's not like whatever-rex there can even see us.

That was when the dinosaur looked at them. Violet shook her head as she looked at him. "You had to jinx it." She widened her eyes at how easily the Rex knocked the metal fence over. It then started to shake the tower, making her tumble backwards.

Sammy flipped and went over the edge, Yasmina had barely been able to grab Sammy's hand. Violet quickly ran beside Yasmine, helping to pull Sammy's arm up to them along with everyone else trying to help.

"The zipline. Go!" Darius pointed at the zipline.

Violet stood beside it as she watched Brooklynn put Ben onto it first. She helped Ben put the belt on because he was shaking his hands too much out of fear. Then Kenji pushed him because Ben was having trouble going.

Each of them, one by one went on the ziplines.

Violet and Yasmina were the last ones. They didn't go through because the others all stopped moving.

"What are they doing?" Yasmina looked at them all, wondering why they stopped in the middle.

Darius was waving his arms at the two girls, "It's the emergency break!"

Violet looked all around the place, "How do we fix an emergency-" She got off the zipline and stood on the wood. "I'm putting my trust and faith into you, Yasmina."

"Wait, Violet-" Yasmina widened her eyes. "What are planning-"

Violet started running forward, jumping off the edge as she wrapped her arms around Yasmina. "Please do not drop me!" She shouted as they started going downhill extremely fast.

Yasmina held her arms around the girl as tight as she could. "I got you!"

The two bumped into all the others, helping them continue on the zipline. They were nearly not too far from the other tower. Until the dinosaur rammed the entire old tower down, breaking the zipline, making them all fall back out from the sky.


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