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"ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵘᶜᵏ ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ'ᵐ ᵃʷᵉˢᵒᵐᵉ⁻"


The group of kids found themselves inside of a building. It looked like a storage room for vehicles. Brooklynn had used a key card she found beforehand and it ended up opening the huge entrance gate. This wasn't a good thing because now the nearby dinosaurs were making their way into the building because the gate was opened.

Hap quickly pointed out the vehicles, figuring out a solution to escape.

Brooklynn and Kenji had rode on the same motorcycle together with Hap on the side passenger one. Thankfully Violet didn't have to ride with Ben on Bumpy. There was a quad available that she found at the last second, hidden in the back.

They all drove away from the dinosaurs, separating so the dinos would chase them all separately. Violet took the left side, Ben took the right while the others went straight.

Violet turned to see one dinosaur following after her. "Thank god I rode these as a kid." She took a sharp turn, trying to make the dinosaurs slip, which did work but it quickly got back up. That was until it smacked right into a boulder rock which gave Violet plenty of time to get away. "That's right! 'Cause you suck and I'm awesome-" The quad along with her felt a sudden jolt as she drove off a hill and was now in the air, clutching onto the quad.

Her eyes widened as she roughly made the quad land on the ground. Violet slowly got off the quad, speechless at what she was seeing and so was the girl in her tracksuit who was sitting on the ground with Brooklynn and Kenji, standing near her. The two girls just stared at each other for a few seconds which seemed like forever to each of them. She knew they were going to be reunited sooner or later but actually seeing her in person changed everything after being separated for so long. And every lonely thought that she had beforehand was right.

Even Brooklynn felt the tension while Kenji was confused as to why they were just staring. "Yeah, so Violet is alive." Kenji spoke first.

Violet sent her a cheeky smile, not exactly knowing how to approach her. "Missed me?"

Yasmina lifted herself up from the ground and immediately ran to pull Violet into a hug, nestling her head onto Violet's neck. It was like her heart was sewn back together. "Are you seriously asking me that? Of course I did. I thought you were dead." Yasmina saw Violet fall out of the train along with the pteranodons chasing after her body. "I imagined this to be more comfortable. You're alive and...why is your jacket so?..." She lifted her head up and looked at Violet's chest part of her jacket with questioning brows.

The compy, Bullet, peeked it's head out from her front zipped up jacket, wondering what the commotion was. Violet glanced down at him with a smile. "Meet my friend Bullet-wait." She then pulled a smirk at her with a teaching brow, once Yasmina's words had processed. "You imagined us hugging? Careful Yasmina, one might think you have a crush-"

Yasmina quickly went to pull away, looking away from Violet and to the others. "We need to come up with a plan, quick."

Violet looked at the back of Yasminas head, wondering if she was a bit too forward. Whether Violet was thinking that, she was happy to know that Yasmina was thinking about her because she had done the same. Being alone had forced her to think and she did a lot of thinking.

Kenji and Yasmina discovered where Darius would be leading them. Not to the location of the watering hole, which is where the dinosaurs gathered up to peacefully drink water. They were leading them somewhere else...and it was a place that they knew.

Loud stumps were heard from behind them.

It was Bumpy which had scared Yasmina, making her stumble backwards at seeing the huge dinosaur. Violet didn't blame her, Bumpy had grown.

Ben jumped off of Bumpy and awkwardly stood there, "Hey Yasmina."

Yasmina went to give Ben a hug too while Bullet ran to jump on top of Bumpy. The two dinos surprisingly formed a bond.

"You're a hugger now, Fadoula?" Ben had his arms still beside himself, not expecting an actual hug from her.

Yasmina pulled away with a smile. "Still have mixed feelings about it, but I..." She pulled him into another hug again. "You're alive." Now Ben dropped his spear to hug her back.

"I can't believe I only got one hug." Violet was a few feet behind Ben, seeing that Yasmina opened her eyes to meet hers while she pulled away from Ben. She jokingly spoke out, "Do I need to have another near death experience-"

"Oh, shut up." Yasmina pulled Violet back into another hug with a smile that touched Violet's shoulder. "The wilderness changed you. You're clingy now."

Brooklynn put her hand out, giving the boys a look that stopped them from moving. Kenji and Ben were confused as to why Brooklynn made them stop.

A big smile went on Violet's face as she wrapped her arms around Yasminas, not even trying to hide her happiness. "But you like it, don't you?"

Yasmina softly chuckled as she pulled away. "I don't hate it."

"We were trying to tell you about them." Brooklynn now spoke. "But in more pressing news, Darius isn't taking the hunters to the watering hole." Her and the others walk up to them as she handed Ben the map.

"What? Why would he take them straight to the T. rex?" Ben looked at the map with Violet hovering over his shoulder to look at the map.

Kenji was beside Brooklynn, placing his fist onto his hand. "Home court advantage. Darius and Sammy know the terrain, and Tiff and Mitch don't. It'll be easier to lose them on Main Street in the jungle."

Yasmina looked at them all. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go help them!"

Since Kenji rode the motorcycle with Brooklynn and Ben was with Bumpy. Yasmina was forced to go with Violet on the quad.

Yasmina put her hand on the handles of the quad first. "I've always wanted to drive one of these."

"You're not driving." Violet walked to the quad, lightly moving her hand away as Bullet jumped up onto her shoulder. "You're riding on the back."

A sigh came out of Yasmina's mouth. "Fine, but I'm driving next time."



In the past Violet had flirted like once at least with Yasmina but not like that.

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