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"ᴱⁱᵗʰᵉʳ ʷᵃʸ, ᴵ ʷⁱⁿ. ᴷᵃ⁻ᶜʰⁱⁿᵍ!"


Kenji and Violet were standing behind the couch, messing around with the snacks they had just gotten. While Violet aimed the jelly bean into Kenji's mouth he aimed one at her too. Each of them caught the jelly bean at the same time, eating them as they did their handshake with laughter.

Darius had come into the room with his usual high energy but Kenji and Ben had started arguing. While the boys were talking, Violet leaned over the back of the couch, hovering in the middle of Yasmina and Sammy. "Has anyone seen Brooklynn? She can't still be sleeping?"

Upon hearing the name Sammy sat up straight, avoiding eye contact. "I...no I haven't seen her."

"Brooklynn? What do you need with her?" Yasmina asked Violet, keeping her eyes on her sketchbook. "You two gonna film some crazy, running from dinosaurs video?"

Violet cracked a smile at Yasmina's question. "No. It's just that, we're all here and we can't start a group meeting without our favorite superstar."

"The babysitters took off early and left this." Kenji slide the chair over to Darius, putting the sticky note onto his shirt.

Darius read the note, "BRB. Gotta go. Boss-talk. BB. Later. Smiley face."

Violet looked up at hearing the note. "That was definitely Dave."

"Yup, Roxie translated on the back." Kenji put his arms behind his head.

Darius turned the note over, reading it again. "We have to go talk to our boss. Stay inside until we return. Draw, bond, whatever. The radio's set for channel six in case you need us."

Violet leaned away from the couch with a smile that crept up to her face. "Okay, really, where's Brooke? We should totally sneak out and record some awesome video." She lifted her hands up with a smile while thinking of a video suggestion, "Who could run the fastest away from a Raptor-no, wait, they'd probably eat us. Who could run the fastest away from a Compy? Or, Tag with the Compys?"

Yasmina looked up from her notebook to watch Violet think of videos. "Please don't let Violet anywhere near Brooke and that phone."

"Stay inside, stay inside." Darius looked up at her as he continued reading. "Do not leave, Kenji, Violet, looking at you too." This made him and the others laugh.

The door opened from behind them, Brooklynn was standing there with her arms crossed, looking mad.

Yasmine looked over at the door, "Brooklynn. What's new on the internet, superstar?"

"I wouldn't know." Brooklynn started walking to the group. "Because when I went to get my phone from its charger, it wasn't there! Someone stole my phone."

"Brooklynn, who hasn't had your phone?" Yasmina simply asked her, not really seeing anything to worry about.

Each of them had used her phone many times.

Ben looked up, admitting he had used her phone too, "I needed to check the weather last night..."

"Dr. Sattler posted a new column on microfossils yesterday..." Darius added.

Kenji brought up on his selfie opp. Violet raised a hand, "I photo bombed and if you look close enough you can find Ben in the background."

Brooklynn scoffed at them all then turned to Sammy who was being unusually quiet.

Sammy fixed her strand of hair, trying not to look at Brooklynn for too long. "I...haven't seen it either."


Darius came up with the idea to look for the phone since they had time.

"Oh." Brooklynn looked down at Sammy, extremely suspicious. "I think I know exactly where to look. I also think that whoever took the phone might be trying to hide some of the things that are on it."

Violet followed Brookes' eyes to find Sammy. She leaned over the back of the couch again, towards Sammy, with a low voice. "Ohh, what did you do?"

Brooklynn walked over to Sammy. "What do you think Sammy?"

"Um, what?" Sammy looked up at her.

Yasmina looked at Brooklynn, angered that she was picking on Sammy. "What is your deal? Sammy said she didn't touch it!" She got up to stand in front of Brooklynn. "Ever think you might have just lost the stupid thing?"

Violet looked at Yasmina for a few seconds then to Brooklynn. Both her and Kenji were watching them argue as if they needed popcorn to continue watching.

"Hmm. Well, then, let's check her bags and test that theory out." Brooklynn insisted as she started to try and walk past her.

Yasmina moved to block Brooklynn. "You do not get to go through anyone's stuff. I don't care how famous you think are!"

Violet spoke up, looking at Brooklynn. "We can't just look through her things. That's like an invasion of privacy."

Darius jumped up in the air. "Come on guys, we can't be this upset over phones. Let's make the most of this incredible opportunity! This is Jurassic World! It's...it's-"

Violet perked her head towards Darius, "You're suggesting we sneak out?"

Their heads all turned to the window, hearing a dinosaur roaring.

"What was that?"

"A t-rex?"

They all walked over to the outside ledge. No one could see anything because of the trees.

"Maybe they're moving a new dino from the lab to another enclosure." Darius looked over to where they heard the sound. With a gasp, "We could probably see it from the observation tower! Could be cool."

A smile instantly went on Violet's face as she looked at Darius, away from the trees. "I'm so down to check it out."

Sammy gasped too, "Wow, that's a great idea, Darius! What are we waiting for?" She hurried to grab his arm, leading him towards the elevator.

Everyone followed after leaving the compound.

Ben got up from his drawing. "But, guys, it's indoor Arts and Crafts Day! We should stay and wait for Dave and Roxie, right, Kenji?"

Kenji jumped over the couch, patting Ben's shoulder. "If you wanna stay here and draw you and your dino-crush, go for it. I'm gonna go see me a T. rex or a girl-fight. Either way, I win. Ka-ching!"

They all stared at him, waiting in the elevator. 



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