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"ⱽⁱᵒˡᵉᵗ ⁱˢ ʰᵉʳᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢᵃᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵃʸ"


Yasmina and Sammy were searching for Brooklynn after hearing her distress call. Yasmina came up with a plan to pile up a bunch of branches to make a jump so the gyrosphere can go across from the big log that was in the middle of the road.

"Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear me?" Yasmina put her hand up to the earpiece, trying to get contact from anyone.

"Still no sign of-" Sammy was looking forward, surprised to see the two, "Ben and Kenji?"

Kenji tried to pull Ben off of him but he wouldn't let go. "Did you guys see that?" He looked while he pointed his finger up into the sky. "There was a gyrosphere that went flying in the sky. It was awesome. How I wish that was me."

Yasmina turned to Sammy with a look, wondering if that was the distress call. "Brooklynn?"

Ben quickly shook his head. "It was actually Violet."

"Violet?" Both Yasmina and Kenji asked while looking up.

Yasmine looked down in thought, muttering to herself, "Wasn't she alone?" She then waved the two boys over, "Get in."

Ben and Kenji were trying to lead them to where they last saw Violet's sphere but found something else instead.



"Somebody, please!"

Violet woke up to shouts crying for help. Her eyes opened as she felt the need to stretch her body but when she did she felt the gyrospheres move on it's own. Now she actually used her eyes and looked at her surroundings, she was on the top of a tree and her gyrosphere wasn't in good shape and neither was the tree.

Trying her best to keep her movements still, Violet made sure her seat belt was on tight. No matter the balance that Violet may have had, the weight on the branches had made the gyrosphere fly down. Her eyes widened as she flew down at a high speed, it was a bumpy landing.

When she landed, Violet took the seat belt off as she opened the doors. Now she was able to fully stretch, "My back. I can't wait to sleep for the rest of this vacation." She squinted her eyes as she saw a gyrosphere ahead.


Her ears twitched at the sound, it was Darius and Brooklynn inside a gyrosphere that was stuck in the mud. Right beside them was Kenji and Yasmina trying to get it out.

"Don't worry guys, Violet is here to save the day." Violet ran towards the gyrosphere but her legs gave out when she was nearly close to them, making her trip on her way there with a face planted on the dirt. Putting her hand on the dirt, she tried to push herself up but noticed her intense slow breathing. Her arms were shaky which made her break away from the pushup stance. Giving up, she decided to just lay there.

Yasmina and Kenji just jumped out of the mud so they wouldn't sink. Yasmina, sitting on the ground, looked forward with her brows furrowed at Violet, seeing her laying on the ground not too far from them. "What happened to you?"

Violet put on a nervous smile, trying to hurry and cover it up. "Uh...I guess...you could say I fell for you." She hoped that no one noticed her weakened state.

"Smooth." Yasmina just stared at her as she got up from the ground, helping the girl up in front of her. With a pat on Violet's back, Yasmina walked past her, "But you'll need more than that."

Kenji was looking between the two, not entirely understanding what was happening. "So, did you become sonic?"

"Just old age." Violet moved her arm to put pressure on her lower back. "With back problems."

"Uh, guys?" Ben said out loud, making them all look at him. He started screaming when the dinosaur started walking closer to them. He turned around and didn't even get the chance to run because he slowly tripped over a branch.

Violet stood as she took deep breaths, she tightly held onto one arm, seeing if her strength could come back which slightly helped.

Sammy had gotten the dinosaur to trust her and they got it to help pull Darius and Brooklynn out of the mud. They had to tie it around the dino and trees. They all cheered together when the two came out of the mud.

"Hey, look! It's Dave and Roxie!" Sammy shouted out in excitement seeing the familiar adults.


"You could have been killed! What were you thinking?" Roxie scolded the kids.

Sammy smiled proudly. "That we found a lost dinosaur...and Darius and Brooklynn."

Violet walked straight past them and to bed not saying a word to anyone. She had slept for a while, when she woke up she felt much better. Standing up from her bed, she saw that it was still night. Her eyes landed on Yasmina who was on the top bunk. The eyes then glanced at the open sketch book in front of the sleeping girl. Violet tiptoed to get a better view of the drawing. Yasmina turned her hand in her sleep, revealing the drawing of Violet with a little dinosaur in her hands. That was from their first day there.

When Violet looked up away from the sketchbook her eyes were met with another pair of eyes that made her own eyes widen. Both of the girls kept quiet in silence. Yasmina awkwardly looked at Violet and back to her open sketchbook, going back and forth until she quickly went to close it.

Violet took a step back with her hands up. "I swear I didn't touch it. It was open." She quickly went to defend herself. "B-but the drawing is really nice. I like it." She sent her a nervous smile. "You're an athlete and you have serious art skills."

Yasmina looked away from the girl. "Don't think into it. It was just something nice that happened that day. You don't see a dinosaur landing into peoples arms that often."

"Yeah, yeah. I totally understand." Violet nodded in agreement as she looked back at the closed sketchbook. "Can I...see your other-"

Yasmina quickly put her sketchbook under her pillow without looking at her. "No."

"Okay." Violet quickly responded back with a nod, trying not to show her disappointment.

Seeing from the side of her eye, Yasmina looked up from her pillow, staring back at Violet. This made Violet raise her brows in noticing that she was still standing and staring at the girl. "To finish the drawing you should add a crown on me."

"Oh, really?" Yasmina said out loud in a low voice with a hum. "Maybe I'll add one of those curly mustaches too-oh and some devil horns."

Violet lightly laughed at her. "Hey, I'll even sign it."


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