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"ᴴᵒˡᵈ ᵘᵖ. ᴴᵒʷ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵀᵒʳᵒ?"


A loud grunt came out of Violet's mouth as she landed on the floor just after hitting the leaves and the branches from the trees. "Everyone still alive?"

"No." Kenji groaned out loud as he climbed down the tree.

Violet looked over at Yasmina, seeing her waking up. Without thinking her legs led her to Yasmina, helping her up first. "Are you okay?"

Yasmina stood up with Violet's help. Sending a smile to Violet, "I should be asking you that. With your back problems and all."

Violet smiled back with a light laugh.

Brooklynn tried to find out which way the observation tower was. They all started running when they heard the roar. But once they reached their destination to camp it was torn apart.

"I guess it's a good idea we didn't stay." Violet looked all around the area, walking closer.

Yasmina found the radio but it was broken. "We're all out on our own."

Brooklynn shook her head with her arms crossed. Walking towards Sammy, "Give me my phone!" She knew that Sammy had her phone/

"What?" Sammy fixed her strand of hair, avoiding Brooklynn eyes.

Brooklynn was standing in front of her now, "I don't care about you sneaking into Dr. Wu's lab, I don't care about whatever you did with the skin samples you took from the sinceratops-"

They all looked at the two confused.


"What skin samples?"

"What were you doing in Dr. Wu's lab?"

Brooklynn continued to speak with Sammy, "I don't even care that you stole it now. All I wanna do is call for help!" She walked forward to Sammy who was walking backwards.

"Uh, I..." Sammy looked at Brooklynn, stuttering for a long time. "I don't know what you're talkin' about!" She started walking away from Brooklynn. "Skin samples? Sneaking into labs? You made up some crazy thing in your own dang head!"

Yasmina walked beside Sammy then toward Brooklynn. "Hey, knock off, not everything revolves around you and your phone. It isn't Sammy's fault you lost it!"

Violet had taken Yasmina's side last time but now it was different. Why would Brooklynn lie about that? The accusations against Sammy were serious and part of her believes Brooklynn but the other part doesn't want to go against Yasmina. She also wasn't about to gang up against Brooklynn.

Violet walked in between them trying to make them all quiet down. Everyone was arguing with each other, Yasmina, Sammy, Brooklynn, even Kenji to Ben. They got quiet when Ben sat down, saying how dead they are. Everyone walked away from each other while Violet stayed standing in the middle. She glanced over at Darius who wasn't in the argument.

Darius turned around, looking at them all. "We're not giving up. I get it. It's scary. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Things aren't always gonna go your way. Life is messy and sometimes...things fall apart. But that's okay because when that happens, we pick up the pieces and keep going and we never give up."

Violet walked over to him with a small smile. "I was never good at speeches."

Brooklynn walked forward to him too, "What about your necklace?"

"It's not important." Darius stood his stand. "I've got the memories right here."

Now they had to be a team and make a plan. So they walked, and walked, and continued walking for a long time.

Everyone screamed after Ben screamed. He had only stepped on a stick and got startled which made everyone else get startled after.

It also didn't take long for Yasmina and Brooklynn to start arguing. This was just because Brooklynn got in Sammys face again about the phone situation.

"Sammy didn't steal your phone!" Yasmina put her hand on Brooklynns shoulder, pushing her away from Sammy. "No one stole your phone! Can we please stop talking about the phone?"

Ben went over to them, trying to get them to be quiet, "You guys! You guys, you guys. Could you all yell at each other quieter, please?"

"Or just not at all." Violet walked past the girls and towards Kenji and Darius who weren't arguing.

"My fellow campers, chill!" Kenji spoke out as he walked backwards. "What we need here is someone who can make the hard call on what to do next. Since I'm obviously leadership material...I'll do this."

Everyone, including Violet was staring at him, blankly, blankly staring at him. Wondering what would come out of his mouth.

Kenji confidently put his hand up in the air. "And my first decree as leader is for everyone to stop talking and just listen to Darius. So which way Darius?"

All hope seemed lost until Darius remembered the area. They learned that more dinosaurs were out because the gates were torn down.

Ben looked at the broken down fence. "That means...that means Toro is out here...with us."

Darius looked down, thinking. "Now we have to deal with Indominus and Toro." he slowly looked up, realizing just what Ben said. "Hold up. How do you know about Toro?"

Violet and Kenji immediately looked at eachother then quickly looked away, avoiding Darius eyes.

Yasmina walked past them, "We all know. Violet and Kenji told us, like, the day after it happened." This made the two friends nervously laugh together while they continued to walk.

During the walk Brooklynn walked past Sammy, still mad at her, slightly bumping into her.

Yasmina walked by Sammy but in a more friendly way compared to Brooklynn, "Don't let Brooklynn upset you. She's just being...Brooklynn-"

Violet had walked past them while Yasmina and Sammy were talking. Moving the big leaf out of the way for herself, she then let it go which proceeded to smack Yasmina's face.

Yasmina froze as she looked forward to Violet who also froze when she realized what happened. She didn't know whether to apologize or just run for it.

"I'm so sorry-" Violet quickly went to apologize but was also holding back a laugh at the same time. She decided to run for it when she saw Yasmina glare over at her. This made Yasmina chase after her.

Violet widened her eyes as she turned around, seeing the girl quickly catch up. "I'm sorry! Really."


A/N: I was pre-writing one of my other books and realized how rushed this books writing it. So maybe in the future I'll edit up this book and fix the writing but for now I am leaving it as is.

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