Chapter one

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Istanbul, Turkey.
15th July 2022

"This is so weird"

"I know right!"

"Should we wake her up?"

"Yeah, we are getting late after all" Aaliya said inching towards her friend who was asleep but had a smile on her face. "Noor?" She called out her name and she stirred from her position.

"Noor wake up"

Noor slowly opened her eyes to find two of her friends standing over her. She slowly sat up right. "What are your guys doing here?" She  asked in a sleepy voice looking between the two of them. She didn't ask them how they entered her apartment because each of her friends has a spare key.

"It's 10:15am and our exams start by 11am, we are gonna be late" Hanifa, one of her friends said drawing the duvet from her body.Noor's eyes widened as it clicked to her. She hadn't slept last night till 3am because of all the excessive reading she was doing. She knew she needed to rest but she was too nervous because she was writing Math in the morning.

"I over slept" Noor said in a shriek voice as she jumped from the bed hastily. "Give me ten" she told her friends and they left the room and she immediately entered the bathroom.

In not more than 10 minutes,she was out, she didn't have time to do her skincare routine and quickly jumped into a black palazzo and a black shirt which she paired with a royal blue Abaya. she sprayed her body spray and perfume. She wore a black veil and wrapped it around her head and neck.She put on her watch, her earings and her flats.

She lastly took her bag and phone and headed out to meet her friends who were waiting for her in the living room of her apartment.

"Woah that was fast" Humaira, one of her friends Said. "Yeah we still have some time before the supervisor arrive" Aaliya said looking at her wrist watch.

The Uber ride to their college only took them about 10 minutes since it wasn't far from her place.

"Can we get some thing to eat from the cafeteria? I'm starving" Noor asked clutching her stomach. Seeing that they still had 15 minutes to spare,  they all agreed. They got their orders and munched it down in minutes and it was time for their exams to commence.

"Don't forget to say your prayers before you begin okay?" Humaira anounced looking at her friends  obviously anxious. "Yes ma'am" Noor replied with a chuckle.

"Good luck to all of us"


Nooriyah Isma'il balalau aka Noor is a 20 years old lady. She is the first daughter of a well known business tycoon in Nigeria Isma'il balalau. And her mother Amina. She has two siblings an elder brother Faruk who is 26 years old, and her younger sister Layla who is 17 years old.

She is Hausa from Katsina where both her mother and father originated. The whole family have a good heart.

Noor is in her second year studing culinary art in özyegin University in Istanbul Turkey. She always dreamt of opening her own restaurant some day. She lived in Istanbul since high school She barely went to her birth place.

Zayn was her dream guy for as long as the remembers . She loved him since she was in highschool. She stalked him on social media everyday.though she never met him, she hoped they will meet when she goes to Nigeria.

She was writing exams for the end of the semester and she was going to Nigeria after 2 years. She was excited to visit her home and her family members.


"This tastes terrible" hanifah said making a face. "I told you" Noor said looking at the sushi hanifah ordered.

"You guys. father just called and my flight ticket has been booked" Humaira jumped excitedly.

"Atleast you know when you are going" Aaliya said. "I have been asking dad about my ticket to return but I guess he is busy" she added rolling her eyes.

"Hanifah and I are going back to Nigeria on the 16th" Noor said suddenly feeling impatient. I mean today is 10th.

"I'm gonna call dad y'all ain't leaving me here" Aaliya said and they all laughed.

"So is Zayn back from Paris?" Aaliya asked giving Noor a mocking smile. The rest burst out laughing.

Noor didn't mind, they did that to her all the time. Almost all of them have boyfriends while she is still stalking the guy she liked.

"Was the conversation you guys had this morning nice?" Hanifa asked giggling.

"Ok you guys are leaving my apartment if you don't stop" she threatened glaring at them.

"Geez chill" Humaira said rubbing Noor's back which she earned a glare from.

"We are leaving anyways it's late" Aaliya announced gathering her stuffs. "And still have one paper left tomorrow" Humaira cried.

"Byeee" Noor said standing by the door as her friends stepped outside. "Sweet dreams" Humaira said acting sweet. "About him" Aaliya added. "And gist us about him tomorrow" Hanifa said and they all began laughing.

She shut the door at their faces and before they left, she heard a faint "we love youuu"

She smiled at that. Yes her friends were crazy but she also loves them even though they tease her all the time.

She sighs and turn to go to the kitchen. She lived in a two bedroom apartment. To be honest it was too big for her. It has a huge living room and a huge kitchen and the two bedrooms were no less.

After finishing the dishes, she ran to her room to change to her PJ's. She did her night skincare routine and went to the living room.

She logged into Instagram and saw that he has updated his story. She clicked on it and it was a clip of him on the plane with the clip, 'going back to Nigeria' .

She felt the excitement rise up in her. She has a chance to see or even meet him. She smiled. Call her crazy but she was head over heels for the guy.

Her phone went off and it was her mother calling."mamaaaa" Noor exclaimed excitedly.

"How are you my dear" her mother asked."I'm good, how is Baba and thet rest?"

"They are all doing great" she replied. "Your father told me you are coming baxtck on Tuesday" she added.

"Yes I'm so excited" Noor said. "I have to your father to send you money to do a little shopping before you come back"

"Alright thanks mama"

"Okay I will talk to you tomorrow insha Allah" mama said before hanging up.

She smiled and her smile grew wider when it went back to the clip she was watching before. "You are mine insha Allah"

 "You are mine insha Allah"

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