57: Her little Boy

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Please ignore all typos and errors. This book has not been edited yet.


It didn't fee real.

Not at all.

It felt like a dream. like the ones he had for years.

she blinked not once and not twice. he couldn't believe his eyes.

And she was confused. she looked around the room trying to comprehend her surrounding and Zayn observed her closely. her hands traveled to her stomach which was flat. a rush of panic engulfed her eyes and he could already tell what was in her mind.

"Zayn?" she called out to him in a very faint and low voice and he inched closer to her after composing himself. "what happened to our baby? did I have a miscarriage? what happe-' he interrupted while taking her hands in his. "relax okay?" he said. "please" he added noticing her eyes were already getting filled with tears.

His hands trembled for a reason he didn't know. His heart was beating faster than normal and he got afraid it might just tear out of his chest.

"Come here" he whispered but he knew she heard him. He inches closer to her and he pulled her into a needful but soft hug.

It felt like before, she felt warm and comforting in his arms. The scene he dreamed about for the past years.


His wife.

His Noor.

finally moving and talking.

"the doctor is here" came the nurse's voice interrupting their moment. Zayn gave her a nod before getting to his feet when the doctor walked in.

"good evening" he greeting shaking Zayn's hand and he reciprocated. "good evening doctor" he said. "congratulations, it is honestly a miracle that she woke up now" the doctor exclaimed with a smile. "thank you" he replied. it is the greatest miracle of his life.

"i'm going to run some minor check-up on her now but you have to get her to the hospital in the morning so we can run some test" he told him and he nodded. "okay, sure doctor" he replied.

He walked to Noor who looked lost. "I will be back" he whispered to her and left the room to give the doctor and the nurse space to do their work.

He walked downstairs with a unremovable smile on his face. his happiness was evident and he didn't care to hide it. "Daddy is here" Ansar called out when he saw him descending from the stairs. Ansar is in the living room with Aaryan and Layla who were waiting restlessly for him to come down.

"Zayn, what is going on? is she okay?" Aaryan asked getting to his feet. "you all should not worry, the doctor is checking up on her. she is okay" he said flatly to them and they breath a sigh of relieve. "thank god, Umma has been calling nonstop" he said sitting down once again. Zayn also sat down taking Ansar in his arms.

"Mama has been calling me too, she wants to know when i'm coming home" Layla spoke. "should I tell her what is going on?" she asked looking between the two brothers. "no, we will tell everyone in the morning. Mama will just get worked up and worried and it's already late" Zayn said and they all nodded in agreement.

"Aaryan please drop her at home" He said but he immediately saw something flash on Layla's face. she wanted to see her sister. she didn't want to leave. "do not worry Layla you will see your sister tomorrow. the doctor is checking up on her and it might take a while" he assured her. "it's getting late, you need to get home" he added and she nodded.

"shall we?" Aaryan asked her and she got to her feet. "yes" she said and Aaryan also stood up. "we will see you tomorrow at the hospital?" he asked and Zayn nodded.

"good night"

"good night"

the two left leaving only Zayn and Ansar in the living room.

He turned to face his son who gave him a small smile "mummy is going to start talking to me now?" he asked. "she will talk with you nonstop I promise" he told him making his smile grow wider. He felt nervous and he recked his brain trying to figure out how his mother is.

"Ansar, it's time for your bath" came Amina's voice. "no, I have to see my mummy first" he told her hiding behind his father's back. "Daddy tell her" he said hoping to be backed up by Zayn.

"It's fine Amina you can leave and take tomorrow off" he told her with a smile. "Alright thank you and good night" she replied with a grin. She could tell happiness was beaming around the father and son and she hoped it remained like that.

Knowing Ansar from the little infant he was,He didn't lack anything but a mother's care and love. And even though she and Zayn practically raised him, The little boy still needed his mother no matter what.

"Good night" Ansar said to her before she left the house.

"Sir, the doctor is done with the procedure" they heard the nurse's voice from the stairs. "Okay I'm coming" he replied.

"Should I stay here?" Ansar asked taking a hold of his father's hand. "No, come with me" Zayn said to him and he smiled. For a moment he thought he must stay and wait for his que to come.

The two walked upstairs and once they entered the room Noor is in, Ansar's eyes widened as he made eye contact with Noor. He averted his gaze quickly and kept his eyes on the floor. Even he didn't know he would feel this nervous upon seeing his mother for the first time.


She was sitting upright and blinking. The only thing remaining was her voice. He needed to hear her voice.

"Alright thank you doctor" Zayn said shaking the doctors hand as he was about to leave. "I will see you at the hospital" he added and the doctor nodded before he walked out the door with the nurse trailing behind him.

Zayn took Ansar's hand and walked to the arm chair that was by Noor's bed.

Noor looked between Zayn and Ansar wanting to hear something from either of them. But then again the striking similarities between the two was there and she didn't need anyone to tell her that was her son.

Still she look at Zayn and managed to say; "he is our son?" It came out like a statement than a question. "He is, Ansar won't you say anything to Mummy?" Zayn turned to the little who looked shy.

"Ansar" Noor whispered as her eyes became watery. He named their son Ansar. He didn't forget. "Come" she said softly to the boy who immediately rushed to her.

She hugged him right like her life depended on him. She couldn't control the tears that poured down from her eyes but they weren't just tears.

They were tears of joy.

"My little boy" she kept chanting as she held him. Ansar on the other hand was the happiest. He is in his mother's arms for the first time in his life. He didn't know what it felt like but now he does.

It felt safe, comforting and warm.

Seeing how her child looked, Noor couldn't help but wonder the time that passed cause to her it was like she just slept and woke up.

And the worst thing was that she couldn't even remember the events that took place the day she fell into a coma. Her memory was still foggy.

She turned to Zayn and asked "how much time has passed?"

He didn't know if she actually wanted to know the amount of time she spent in the coma.

"3 years"

Helloooo everyone😝

So Noor has finally regained consciousness 😚
You are welcome 🤗

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