35: Mixed feelings

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Noor's POV

"Congratulations" the lady said with a smile as she handed me my test results which turned out to be positive. I am pregnant.

I forced a smile "thank you" I said collecting the file from her. "Please do come in for regular checkups when you don't feel too well okay?" she said.

"Yes I will," I told her rising from my seat. "Goodbye have a nice day," she says. "You too," I said before I left the office.

I made my way to the car where the driver is and we went home. All through the drive, I couldn't help but have mixed feelings. I'm not happy and I'm not sad.

I hate feeling this way. I'm supposed to be happy. I got a life inside of me and I love the baby's father. Then what is wrong with me?


Is Zayn going to be happy about this? Should I tell Mama?


What if Zayn doesn't want a baby now? I also don't want a baby now. Don't misjudge me, baby's are blessings and I pray to have them but not now.


Do you get me? Both Zayn and I are too busy to take care of a child. Right? God I don't even know what to think.

"Ma'am" my eyes snapped to the driver as he called out to me. "Your phone has been ringing" he told me and I looked down at my lap to see my phone ringing. Its Zayn.

"Hello, are you okay? Why weren't you answering? You got me worried" he said immediately I picked up.

"Sorry. I was just ah...umm I was....I didn't notice your call" why did I talk like that? Now he is going to know something is wrong. "What happened Noor? Is everything okay? You better tell me if anyone is bothering you" he said this time seriously.

"It's nothing. I promise" I said but I could tell he wasn't convinced so I changed the topic. "All my problems will disappear when you come home tomorrow"

Honestly, I'm dreading tomorrow. I didn't want him to come back. At least not now. I need some time to think. I need to talk to someone. Husna.

"She is dead?" I heard Husna shout as I neared her room. Who is dead? Deciding not to eavesdrop, I turned my heels to leave.

"The baby didn't survive" this made me stop in my tracks. What is she talking about? I hated what I did next. I leaned my head on the door to get a better hearing.

Husna ended the call but called another person immediately. "Did you hear what happened? Fatima is dead" she told the other person.

"She died at birth and neither she nor the baby survived" Husna continued talking to the other person as I listened in horror.

Husna continued talking to the other person but I slowly made my way to my room. When I arrive, I sat on the edge of the bed and placed my hand on my temple. My head started to throb.

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