50: Never be a mistake

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Noor's pov

I bit my button lip and leaned closer to listen to their conversation. I'm so curious to hear what they are talking about.

"Eavesdropping isn't gonna help. If Baba agrees then that's it and if he doesn't agree that's it but he's most likely not to agree" Layla said behind me making me flinch in fear. I didn't even notice she was behind me.

"Shut up," I told her. I knew she was only joking but I was scared. Baba had been really upset the previous day and I just hope and pray she gives in to this. He is a very easygoing man and I'm sure he only wants the best for me.

"I can't hear what they are talking about," I said to Layla. "You're all the way upstairs, you can't hear them" she shrugged. I was standing near the stairs which lead to the living room.

I suddenly had eye contact with Zayn. he was about to leave. He was heading towards the door. He looked at me blankly and I raised my brows in confusion. What is going on? He left and I ran downstairs. "Be careful Noor, why are you running down the stairs?" Mama said worried when she saw me.

"Why is Zayn leaving?" I asked. I looked between the three of them. Ya Faruk stood up and slid his arm around my shoulder as he stood beside me. "He left to give you time to get ready. He is coming back to take you home plus you have a check-up today in like 3 hours" he said and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Did you tell him about it?" I asked looking up at him as we turned to head to the dining for lunch. "No" he replied keeping his eyes straight. "Why not? He is my husband and I should be going for checkups with him" I told him defensively. He rolled his eyes at me and I playfully punched him on his arm before we took our seats.

I smiled in contentment as I watched the screen. This was my first time and I feel both nervous and excited. I know the experience would have been better if Zayn was here.

I could see Mama's teary eyes as she watched the screen of my ultrasound. I clutched our hands together tightly and she looked at me with a smile.

"The growth, movement, and heart rate are steady," the doctor said looking at the both of us. "I see you've been taking care of yourself" he added with a smile which I reciprocated.

"You've entered your second pregnancy trimester which is 5-6 months. Your next ultrasound will be in your last and third trimester" he told us and I nodded. I didn't come here with Zayn but I will be here with him the next time.

"Can I get a printed copy of the ultrasound? I want to show it to my husband" I said to him. "Sure. I will get it for you" he replied. "Thank you," I said and he nodded before he left with the nurse.

I got up from the bed and Mama helped me adjust my clothes and veil. "I'm so hungry" I suddenly blurt out making Mama laugh. "I knew you'd be hungry by the end of the ultrasound that's why I packed some sandwiches for you. You can eat in the car" she said and I smiled satisfied.

"I don't feel like going back anymore. I want to stay with you"I said as I hugged her. "Well then I will ask Zayn to allow you to stay longer" she replied patting my back.

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