27: warning.

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Please ignore all typos and errors. This book has not been edited yet.

Zayn's pov

I tried to focus on the conference happening but I couldn't. I am worried. I'm worried about what they are going to say to her.

"Sir are you there??" I heard a voice that bought me out of my thoughts. Everyone was looking at me. I sat right and cleared my throat bringing my attention back to the presentation.

"You seem lost" my investor stated. Yep, he came back. He decided to give
Me a second chance.

I shook my head "no it's nothing like that" I assured them and they all nodded.

The meeting went by slowly without any mistakes from my employees. I didn't fire them, I only threatened them about firing them if they make any mistakes again.

I wasn't surprised when my investor agreed to work with me. We seal the deal and they left promising another meeting soon to discuss more.

I started walking to my office with my assistant behind me. "You have a meeting with the marketing department in 10 minutes sir" my assistant stated immediately as I stepped into my cold office.

"Then you have a meeting with the head of the department of finance at 5 to 6"

I nodded my head and told my assistant to inform me 5 minutes before the meeting and he left immediately.

I slumped back into my chair and took my phone from my desk. I have to check on Noor. I called her phone but it wasn't reachable. I tried again and same problem. I sighed rubbing my temple. I really hope she is fine.

"Sir, they are all in the conference room" my assistant said coming in. I nodded and told him to wait for me outside near the door.
I kept my phone on my desk and stood up. I walked to the door and walked out as my assistant followed suit behind me.

3 hours later.

The meeting was over and I am currently in my office preparing to leave. i was feeling restless all through the meeting. i couldn't wrap my head around anything.i picked up my phone for the hundredth time trying to call Noor but all in vain. Her phone is switched off.  

"your next meeting is in 5 minutes sir" my assistant announced with a knock on the door. ya Allah i completely forgot about it. "come in"i said and he walked in. "cancel the meeting. i will have it tomorrow" i told him and he nodded looking confused. the meeting is important but i got something more important right now.

i left the office soon after and headed home. i arrived in a short while just 5 minutes before 7. i walked to the front door as the driver parked the car. the house was dark as i stepped in. all the lights were switched off. was she back? she should be by now. plus i know she won't stay there for long. 

i switched on the lights and strolled upstairs. i opened the door and there she was, lying on the bed sleeping. is she sick? because i know Noor never sleeps with full cloths on. i walked further into the room and in front of her. she had dried tears on her face. i knew her going there will mean trouble. i knew they would hurt her. 

i released a sigh and sat beside Noor. her eyes flickered open due to the sudden movement. she sat up right rubbing her eyes. "you're back" she said. i took her hands in mine and looked at her. "what happened there?" i asked her softly and she looked at me painfully.

she looked down slightly. "why didn't you tell me about your fight with Umma?" she asked looking up with tears in her eyes. "and all because of me" she added. 

"she said many bad things about you Noor and i couldn't tolerate it" i said feeling guilty that she went through this for something i did. "you should have allowed her to say whatever she likes. yelling at her was not an option zayn" she said and released a silent sob.

i pulled her to my chest and she sobbed more.i felt angry at myself at the moment. i should have never allowed her to go to that house. "you've got no idea what Amira said to me and your mother didn't even want to see me" her sobs got louder and my heart ached.

Why would they do this to her? Amira of all people who I knew liked Noor. She had no right to do what she did. "Please don't cry it's okay" I assured her patting her back.

Her cries subsidised soon and I was trying to cheer her up but I couldn't think of anything. "Guess what" I told her. She looked up at me confused. "What is it?" She asked.

"You know investor I told you about? Turns out he needed us more than we needed him so he came back running to us" I said with a smile.

"Are you serious? Wow congratulations" she beamed with joy and I knew I have succeeded. "Now please stop crying I hate seeing you like that" I said wipping tears from her face with my thump. She smiled gently and nodded.

"Go and freshen up and I will make dinner" she said getting to her feet and I did the same. I nodded before making my way to the bathroom and she headed downstairs.

They hurt her and I wasn't going to let it slide.

The next day

I left the house in my car after telling Noor that I was going to the office and coming back real quick. The truth is that I'm going to my parents house.

I knew Noor would try to stop me if she knew I was going there because of the things I would do. I wasn't going to go mad there. I plan on just passing a warning to Amira.

I pulled up in front of the gate and parked there. I wasn't going to stay long since Aaryan told me he went out with Abba.

I made my way into the front door and it was silent. The lights were full on but there was no sign of Amira nor Umma.

Suddenly, Amira descended from the stairs and she looked shocked to see me "Yaya?" She asked unbelievably. I haven't been to this house for the past 3 months and I haven't seen any of them.

"What a wonderful surprise. You finally remembered us" she said mockingly.

"Cut the act Amira I know what you did to Noor" I said. "I know you know. She wouldn't waste a second to tell you what I said to her" she replied with some kind of energy I have never seen before.

"What has gotten into you Amira? You are not the person you were before"

"Yes I am not the same person but you aren't also. You have changed and it's all because of Noor"  she said.

"Listen I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here to warn you never ever talk to Noor the way you did. She is not at fault for whatever is happening do you know who is? Umma. Untill the both of you learn to accept Noor then things are never going to change" I said and walked out of the door.

I was so done with their behaviour.


Teaser: someone lands in the hospital and Zayn feels guilty.

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