Chapter Eleven

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Zayn's pov


I drowned myself in it to stop thinking about everything. I didn't even know what to think. I didn't know what to make about myself. I'm just going with the flow.

Noor is a nice girl. I mean since we started talking I realized that she is a simple person who loves cooking. And the guilt of lying to her about Husna was killing me. Though what I felt for Noor was far from love. We were taking things slowly.

Umma for some reason doesn't like her. It wasn't gonna change anything tho. Abba's decisions are always firm.

I was in my office typing away on my laptop when one of my friends called me. "Aamir's wife just delivered a baby" Yusuf said immediately I picked up. "No way" i replied shocked.

"I'm serious. Your guy is in the hospital right now"

"Are you with him?" I asked. "No but musty is" he answered. " I have a lot of work pending I will call him later" I said and hung up.

Well this is a shocker because Aamir told me that her due date was next week.

After about 3 hours later, i left the office to go see Aamir and his wife Fatima. It was already 6:30.

After arriving at the hospital Aamir told me to come, I went in and the smell of chemicals occupied my nose trills immediately. I went straight to the reception before I asked for Fatima. And I was directed to her room.

I knew they would be a lot of family members and I was only wearing a black suit shirt and a black suit pants which was completely normal since I was only here to congratulate them.

I saw a glimpse of Aamir immediately I entered the hall way I was directed to. He look so happy yet nervous too. I spotted Musty right next to him chattering to what Aamir looked uninterested in. Pfff typical Mustapha.

The both saw me when I went near them. I greeted his mum and bunch of other people too. Is this the naming ceremony or what??

I turned to Aarmir and said; "congrats man" i patted him on his shoulders. "Thanks" he replied. His voice was low. Anyone could definitely know something was up.

"Are the baby and Fatima all alright??" I asked. He opened his mouth to speak but musty rushed him to it  "Fatima actually had difficulties giving birth so the baby is under a lot of medical issues"

"Subhanallah.......I'm sorry to hear that"

"It will all be fine insha Allah" I added and Aamir managed to nod.

We waited for sometime until both Aamir and I decided to leave.

I settled in my car when suddenly the passenger door opened and Musty sat there. I gave him a confused look knowing that he came with his car.

"How is your wife??" I immediately rolled my eyes making him chuckle.

"Get out of my car" and told him and he folded his arms dramatically. "I don't think you heard what I asked. I asked how is your future wife?"

I released a sigh knowing fully well he won't give up. Seriously this man acts like a 17 year old. "She is fine"

I answered him. I didn't really talk to her today so... "are you good with Husna or...." He trailed off waiting for me to answer.

I didn't know what to say. I legit don't know if we are okay or not. "I don't know"

"Do you want to get married to Noor?" He asked. "Do I have any other option?"

"Are you treating her nicely?"

"Are you my mother now? Get out"

"Okay fine I'm going" he raised his hands in surrender. "See ya" he said before closing the door.


What's up?
Okay so I'm sorry. It took so long for me to update this chapter😭😭

Insha Allah the next chapter will be exciting cause I know this chapter is extremely boring 😭



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