17: Decisions

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Please ignore all typos and errors. This book has not been edited yet.

Zayn's pov

Okay. I was too harsh.

I agree that I was too harsh when I spoke to her. The way I was treating her of course she was gonna think I would be happy if she left.

It's right for her to be worried anyways after seeing all those comments. I honestly didn't plan on telling her about Husna.

I mean it wasn't really important that she knew who I was with before I got married to her. Right?

Right now I was trying to work but the guilt was killling me. I released a sigh and stood up. I had to apologize.

I walked to our room and saw her petite figure lying on the bed. I walked to her side and saw that she was asleep. She had dried tears. Did she cry herself to sleep?

What have I done now? I released a sigh and went to my side of the bed. I turned off the lights and slept.

Hopefully I can make things right tomorrow.


She spotted her friends sitting at a table in the cafe. She walked up to them and their faces beamed with excitement.

"I can't believe you actually agreed to have lunch with us" one said and surprise clearly evident on her face.

"This is literally your first time going out since the wedding which was like two weeks ago" another said.

"Well I'm here now aren't I?" She said to them smiling.

"Yeah thank god because you need to loosen up Husna"

"I'm fine Anisa really" she reassured to her friends who were clearly worried about her.

"You know I seriously don't like that girl she doesn't deserve Zayn at all" Hajara said.

"The girl just keeps showing off on ig I'm sure she did something to Zayn or else he would not have married her" Anisa told Husna. They were trying to instigate her into hating Noor.

"Exactly. Zayn loved you a lot and I'm sure he can't throw all that away" Hajara said.

"You guys please let's not talk about this right now" Husna said putting her hands on her forehead already feeling a headache coming up.

"So you are just gonna loose him? You will forget about him?" Anisa asked.

"Well what I'm I supposed to do? Do you want me to go to his house and tell him that he should divorce Noor and marry me?"

"Do you want me to go and tell him that I still love him? You want me to go and wreck his marriage?" She added. She knew that's what her friends wanted her to do.

They want her to wreck Zayn's marriage. But she wasn't that kind of person. She would never ruin someone's happiness for hers.

"You don't understand Husna.....all we are saying is that you fight for-"

TALES OF HER HEART✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora