45: I wish you were here

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Noor's pov

3 days later

Attack no. 1 (this prolly sounds cliche and dramatic but who cares? Certainly not me🌝)

"I'm glad you've decided to come out" Aaliya said smiling obviously meaning what she said. "Me too" I smiled back.

"I'm gonna go now" she announced picking up her handbag from my table. "Okay" I replied. Before leaving, she turned to me and said. "And hey, please cheer up. I know what you're going through right now but I promise you everything is going to be okay"

I nodded my head slightly with a smile before she left. I'm really grateful and lucky to have supportive loved ones around me who understand me without example explanation.

I sat back in my office chair with a sigh. I decided to come out today 3 days after I was discharged because I was so bored at home and I really needed to get in the cafe and check things up.

I stood up to go and do the only thing that can make me happy at this moment; cooking. It will hopefully help me get rid of the unpleasant thoughts in my head.

It was 6:40pm and I was packing my things to go meet Ya Faruk who has come to pick me up.

I left after carrying my bag and exited the cafe after bidding goodbye to the workers.

My eye roamed around the big parking lot looking ya Faruk's car. I was still looking when my eyes caught sight of a car speeding to where I am from behind.

My eyes widened in horror and I couldn't move. Just when I thought the car will run over me, a pair of two hands caught me and dragged me to the other side of the road. It was Ya Faruk.

I looked at him still in fear of what just happened. "Are you okay? Didn't you see the car?" he tried not to shout or sound stern.

My body was shaking violently as I tried to calm myself down. I took in deep breaths as instructed by Ya Faruk and finally steadied my breath and body.

"Are you okay now?" he asked. "Yes" I replied. "Shall we go?" he asked and I nodded before we starting walking side to side. "This is all your fault to be honest, where did you park the car?" I glared at him and he looked at me as if I have gone mad.

"Excuse me?" he said crossing his arms over his chest. "You're not excused" I told him and he laughed putting his hand on top of my head. "Let's just be glad you didn't die" he uttered and I glared at him more.

"Just take me home" I sighed and we soon reached the car. I hoped in the passenger seat and kept my bag at the back seat.

"Fasten your seatbelt" He said after we pulled out of the parking lot. I honestly don't want to fasten it. "I don't want to, It's uncomfortable" I told him.

He gave me a warning look and I rolled my eyes. "Urghh fine" I said before I fastened my seatbelt.

"Can we stop at Domino's, I wanna get chocolate bread" I said a few minutes after he started driving. "No" he firmly replied keeping his attention on the road. 

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