56: Elder Ladies

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I don't know if a 3 year old can talk like how Ansar is doing, I really don't but just ignore it and enjoy 🫶

"I want to scent like you daddy please spray your perfume for me" the little boy cried.

Zayn sighed and went back to grab his perfume. "this is too strong for you Ansar" he told his son who shrugged." just do it please" he begged." fine" Zayn said before he started spraying little amount of the perfume on him.

"now lets go downstairs so you can have breakfast" he said taking his little hand in his big one. "I will eat when we go to grandma's house. I don't want to full my stomach" Ansar said and Zayn realized that he yet again forgot to call his mother.

"go downstairs so Amina can put on your shoes for you, I will be down in a bit" he told him crouching to his height. "okay" he nodded and started to run off. "be careful don't fall on your way" he yelled out. "okay" he heard a not so convincing faint voice.

He immediately bought out his phone and called Umma. " Ansar really want masa and I forgot to inform you last night" he told her after exchanging pleasantries. she laughed a little before saying, "I knew that's exactly what he want so I made it already" Zayn released a sigh of relief.

"thank god. we are going to head out now" he told her. "okay see you soon" she said before hanging up. he placed his phone in pocket and exited the room.

He entered the other room next to the staircase and saw the nurse inside. "good morning sir" she greeted Zayn the moment she saw him. "morning" he reciprocated.

"I have a good news sir" she said with a pleasant smile. Zayn immediately became hopeful after hearing that. "her heart beat is becoming more and more steady which is a good sign of recovery and also I saw slight movement of her hands earlier today" she completed.

"that's great news thank you" he said feeling overwhelmed and out of words. "daddy?" he heard a tiny voice behind him making him turn.

"you came to see mummy without me" he said slightly pouting. Zayn picked him up in his arms. "I was going to be quick" he said. "oh" he said making an o shape with his mouth.

"should we go now?" he asked and Zayn nodded.


"uncle!!!" Ansar screamed in excitement immediately he spotted Aaryan in the house. Aaryan laughed when he saw the little figure running to him. he picked him up and engulfed in a hug. "my big boy how are you" he asked as the little boy wrap his ting hands around his neck.

"i'm fine how are you" he said. "i'm also doing great" he replied. "by the way you smell great" he complimented and Ansar's eyes became wide. "it's my daddy's perfume" he said with excitement written all over his face.

They both turned to Zayn who was almost forgotten. he walked passed them to enter the living room. Aaryan and Ansar followed suit behind him.

"and before I forget, happy birthday" Aaryan told Ansar as they walked. "thank you, I thought you forgot" he said innocently. "I would never forget the day you were born" he said flatly and clearly it had other meaning to it.

"grandpa!!" Ansar ran to his grandfather immediately he saw him sitting on the couch. he got on top of his weak body as Abba careased him gently. "oh dear how are you?" he asked with a warm smile. "i'm good" he answered. Zayn crouched down and greeted his father before sitting next to Aaryan.

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