40: Sinner

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Noor's pov

My eyes fluttered open slowly as I sat up right on the bed. My head throbbed loudly from all the crying last night.

I rosed to my feet and headed to the bathroom dragging myself because of how weak I felt. I avoided my reflection in the mirror as I headed to the shower.

After showering and praying, I changed into a plane black A-shaped gown. I took all the pills that were still scattered on the floor and I went to the bathroom to flush them.

I came out of the room with my phone and called Zayn. It ringed a couple of times but there was no answer just like last night. I went down the downstairs still trying to call Zayn when I heard Husna's voice.

"Zayn came home a couple of minutes ago don't bother" she said. I turned to look at her sitting by the kitchen island on a stool.

"Where is he?" I asked her even though she was the last person I wanted to speak to. "He came home very early and I made breakfast for him while you were peacefully sleeping" she taunts with a smirk. "What an irresponsible wife you are" she added finally taking a sip of whatever it was she has been mixing.

"Just tell me where he is" I asked. Why do I even keep asking her when I can just look for him? I didn't wait for her reply as I headed for Zayn's home office. If I don't find him there, then he is in the garden.

I knocked on the door when I twisted the knob and found out it has been locked. "Zayn please open the door I want to talk to you" I pleaded hoping he can just listen to me.

"Please" I added tears filling my eyes. I have always hated it when Zayn ignores me or when he is angry with me but this is on a whole different level now. I was desperate to see and talk to him.

"Please just open the door let me explain please" I didn't even know what to explain. What is there to explain? I tried getting rid of our child under the influence of Husna?

"Zayn plea-" he then suddenly opened the door making me almost fall to the floor because I was leaning on the door. I looked up at him glad he opened the door. He was wearing a plain grey hoodie with matching sweatpants. He didn't look fine from the face. He eyes were red like he cried and there was this permanent frown on his face.

He walked pass me into the living room and I turned also but only to find Husna not where I left her. She probably went to her room. "Speak" he said in a low cold voice that I didn't recognize. "Tell me an excuse you have for aborting my child"

"I wasn't ready Zayn, I wasn't ready to start taking care of a baby, I just started running a cafe and becoming a mother will be the biggest distraction a-and I was c-convinced you weren't r-ready too be-"

"Have I ever told you that?" Zayn interrupted angrily. My mouth remained shut not knowing what to say. "Tell me Noor, have I ever told you I didn't want a baby" he shouted even louder this time.

"No" I answered quietly lowering my head in shame. Why was I so determined to speak to him in the first place? There was no excuse for my actions.

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