Chapter four

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3 days later

"Why are you eating like that? Have got no blood in your body?" Noor almost shouted at Layla.

" know relatives will bore you to death. Don't be too excited" Layla said which made Noor look at her weirdly.

"I'm going to get ready you better be ready too when I'm out you know the train is not going to wait for us" Noor said before entering her room.

They are visiting their grandparents from their fathers side and two of their uncles.

"Ina wuni" Noor knelt in front of her grandparents who didn't recognize her.

Layla explained to them who she was and the grandfather finally smiled remembering her. "Nooriyah is you. You don't like staying home that's why I couldn't remember you" he said in a tired voice.

Noor smiled and was about to talk when her grandma said "you are grown up now when will we see your husband" she chuckled lightly.

I knew this was coming- Noor thought and looked at her sister who almost burst into laughter.

"Soon insha allah" Noor replied. "How are your studies?" Grandpa asked.

Two hours later, after all the questions and answers, Noor and Layla left for their uncles house.

Their uncles house wasn't quite at all. There were children also their cousins roaming around. Their uncle has 6 children. 3 boys and 3 girls.

His first born who is anty safiya got married and then munera&barira the twins. Then the 3 boy Aamir, yusuf and Aliyu.

Munera and barira were Layla's age but Noor enjoyed their company. Both Noor and Layla were told by their father to sleep at their uncles house and thankfully, anty Amina, their uncles house welcomed them lovingly.

The next day, munera and barira took the two out to show them around kaduna since their train to go back to Abuja was at 6.

They stopped to have lunch at a restaurant. "So you are into cooking?" Munera asked. "Yep. I'm in my second year of culinary school" Noor answered taking a sip of her drink.

"Do you know how to cook traditional dishes or you are an expert in international cuisine only?"

"Gurl....I can cook anything. I have one of the famous chefs in the world cookbook and many more" Noor said with pride.

She loved her collection of cookbooks from different chefs. Her favorites were the Italian cuisine and Indian cuisine. She doesn't really have great knowledge about the African cuisine of course she just said that for the sake of saying so.

"That's nice. The food I make is only edible not delicious" barira said and they burst out laughing.

Soon they were done and the two only had 1 hour to their train.

"Please call us when you get home" munera said. "Insha allah" Layla replied and they said their goodbyes before the two left.

Noor pretty much enjoyed the 2 hours ride back to Abuja. She looked out the window to see the bushes and farms as they passed them.

Ya faruk and the driver came to pick them up. They chatted as they made their way back home. When they arrived, it was already time for magrib.

Baba and ya faruk went to pray in the mosque. Mama was praying in her room while both Noor and Layla went to their separate rooms.

Noor was sitting on her couch FaceTiming her friends on her MacBook.

"So have you made any effort to meet him yet?" Hanifa asked referring to zayn.

"No.....I came back from kaduna today. I don't what's the plan" she replied playing with her nails.

"Okay I have a plan" Aaliya chirped and everyone's attention was on her.

"So why don't you-" Layla suddenly opened the door. "Baba is calling" she announced before leaving.

"Guys I have to go. I will hear the plan later" she said and hang up before she grabbed her hijab and left for her parents room.

"Salamu'alaikum" she said as she gently opened the door. "Wa'alaikumussalam" she heard her father reply and went in.

Her father was sitting on the arm chair and her mother was sitting at the edge of the bed. She sat on the carpet and waited for her father to start talking. Though she somehow knows why she was there.

"Nooriyah you will soon be in your final year after the break.and you are about to become 22 don't you think it's time to get married?

I knew it. I knew this will happen.~Noor thought.

"You mother told me that there is this boy that you like and I'm very glad that you chose him because his father is a good friend of mine" he added. Noor's eyes widened in shock. Her father knew who zayn was all along?

A smile creeped on Noor's face and her parents didn't fail to notice that. Her father chuckled. "Don't worry dear. I will talk to my friend about it tomorrow insha allah" he said and Noor nodded.

"Thank you Baba" she said and he nodded before signaling her that she could leave.

She went to her room smiling widely like a creep. Was this really happening? Was she finally going to be with the love of her life?


Hey y'all.
How are we doing? How is Ramadan?

Raise your hands if you can't wait for the next chapter😂

I'm sorry the chapters are coming really short. I'm too hungry to write😭



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