51: Good for the baby

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Noor's pov

"When, where and how did you know how to make that anyways?" I shouted from the living room. A reply came from Zayn in the same manner. "I have seen you make it a few times and Youtube also helped"

"I hope it turns out good" I said. "It will insha Allah" I heard his voice faintly.

I grabbed the tv remote which was next to me and changed through the channels. I pulled up the duvet over my body feeling chilly.

"Here we go" I heard Zayn's voice towards me and I sighed in relief. I was really famished. "I hope it tastes good," I said. "80% percent sure it does" he replied with a smile. "Both you and my baby will enjoy it" he added, his voice deeper now.

I waited for the pasta to cool down a bit and Zayn went to use the washroom. The pasta looked good in the eyes but will it taste good in the mouth?

I placed a spoonful of the pasta into my mouth. It actually tasted good for a first time. "I see you like it" Zayn said coming towards me on the couch. He now wore a pair of black sweatpants and a black shirt.

"I love it" I said as I continued eating and he sat next to me. "I love how spicy it is" I added. "That is not good for the baby so that will be the last" Zayn said I wanted to protest but it was useless. I knew it wasn't good for the baby.

He stood up a few minutes later to go to god knows where. He came back moments later holding two glasses, one containing orange juice and the other one empty. On the other hand, he held a chilled bottle of water. He dropped them off and went upstairs. He came back with a nylon bag which I recognized had my medication in it.

He sat next to me. "I feel like I don't need a maid anymore," I said laughing. "No way, you do" he replied grabbing the now-empty plate out of my hand. He placed the drugs on my hand and poured water for me.

I swallowed the drugs with Zayn staring right at me just like how Mama did. "Good" he smiled when I was done. He stood up and took the plate to the kitchen. I could have done all of those things myself but Zayn insisted that I don't stress myself.

He came back a few minutes later with a mug of some liquid I couldn't recognize. "What is that?" I asked as he sat next to me. "It is herbal tea," he said. "Since when did you start taking tea?" I knew Zayn only took coffee and not tea. "It's not for me, it's for you" he replied and I gave him a strange look.

"Why? I didn't ask for it. I don't want it" I replied and looked ahead trying to concentrate on the movie that is playing. The tea looked green and disgusting, I wasn't gonna take it. "Well you see my dear, this tea has a lot of merits. It is good for both you and the baby" he said and I looked at him strangely AGAIN.

"Where did you learn all this from?" I asked puzzled. "Actually, Mama told me. She wanted me to give it to you cause she knew this was how you were going to react. She didn't want to do it herself" he said the last part with a chuckle. "Please take it. Who knows? You might like it" he added and I took the mug from him.

I bought it to my lips "Be careful. It's hot plus there is no sugar in it" My intestines cringed hearing this. I closed my eyes and took a small sip of it.

"It's gonna grow big" he almost whispered but I heard him. His hand felt warm and soft on my bare belly. I like the feeling.

"The bigger it becomes,the heavier it gets and the more I can't walk straight" I told him but I don't he was listening. He eyes concentrated on my belly with amusement.

"You're acting as if you've never seen someone pregnant before" I said laughing and he looked up. "Hey, allow me to stare and touch. You're my wife and this is my baby. Our child" he said the last part as if he was shocked. "That I thought I lost forever" he added in a whisper. I could barely hear him but I did.

He sat up and looked down at me. "What should we name the baby if it's a girl? Maryam? Zainab? Nawal? And if it's a boy we will name him Umar? Usman? Or Muhammad? Which one do you like?" He said like an excited kid. He looked so cute and adorable I couldn't help but plaster a big smile. It's 11pm in the night and he wants to talk about possible names for our baby.

"I like all but I will go with Maryam for the girl and Umar for the boy" I replied trying to match his enthusiasm. His smile dropped for a second. "But I like Nawal and Muhammad" he said almost pouting.

"We have all the time in the world to choose a name Zayn" I laughed placing my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah we do" he said looking into my eyes.

He pulled me close to him and i let him. He bought his lips to my forehead and then my belly. I could see in his eyes how excited he is for this baby. I could see in his eyes the vows he is making. I could see in his eyes the sudden change in his mood.

"What happened?" I asked puzzled. He pulled me closer to him with a sigh. "Umma came here today," he said flatly. "Before I went to pick you" he added and I looked up at him. "What did she say?" I asked dreading what he will say. She was probably here to tell him to divorce me or something.

"She wants me to forgive her. She wants you to forgive her. She wants everyone to forgive and forget what she has done.....can you imagine?" he asked rhetorically. He looked annoyed and in disbelief. "She wants me....us to forgive her" he said looking down at me.

"She even wanted to make something for you to eat. How will I know she won't poison you again?" he sighed tiredly. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say. But to be honest, I can not bring myself to trust her. Not after what happened.

A few minutes passed in silence. I couldn't figure out what he was thinking and I didn't know what to say at all.

"Are you feeling hungry or thirsty?" he suddenly asked. "No, I ate like an hour ago" I giggled watching him. "Yeah," he said nodding his head. "I'm thirsty though" I added. "I will get juice for you" he immediately got off the bed.

I laughed at how fast he left the room to go downstairs. He was trying his best to protect us. I honestly couldn't wish for more than I have right now.


This chapter might be boring I'm so sorry 😭😭😭💋
But trust me, you are not ready for the next chapter 🤧😫😂

Lots of love

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