32: the trip

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Please ignore all typos and errors. This book has not been edited yet.

Noor's POV

"Do you seriously have to go? You can just work online you know" I said to him for the hundredth time while he got ready.

"You know that won't happen Noor" he said putting on the last button of his white office shirt.

He has a business trip to attend in Egypt. I was really upset that he didn't inform me last night but he said it slipped his mind because of my problem. I honestly didn't want to stay in this big house alone and he is staying there for the next 5 whole days.

"You can call Layla to stay with you while I'm gone," he said turning to face me. I nodded slowly with a small frown on my face. Why today?

"I will be back in no time" he assured and I nodded again. "The driver is waiting for me. I have to go" he said with a sigh.

I escorted him outside and he left for the airport soon after leaving me all alone.

Going straight to the garden, I texted my friends through our group "can we meet? At bleu cafè"

A reply from them came instantly. Maybe they were waiting for my text or call and here I am exaggerating the situation.

"Sure. Meet us there at 3" they replied. I will make things right.
I went back into the house to get ready. We were getting lunch there so there is no need for me to cook lunch.

Just then, my phone rang and it was Zayn's mother. My mother-in-law.

I picked up the phone and we exchanged pleasantries. "Zayn told me he is leaving the country for a couple of days and I was thinking maybe Husna can stay with you until he comes back?you know Amira is in school"she said straightforwardly.

She was thinking of Husna staying with me? Don't get me wrong. Husna and I are great friends now but I was hoping to have Layla here.

"Hello, Noor can you hear me?" I heard from her. "Yes yes I heard you" I replied. "Well then what do you think?" She asked.

"Yes sure. It will get boring here anyways" I said with an awkward laugh. "Great. I will send her there by 3. Her office is close to the house so it will be easier for her"she said.

"Ah I'm actually going out with some friends by 3 so maybe by 5 or 6?" I said. I didn't really want her to know I was going out. Is it stupid that I still feel uncomfortable with her?

"You're going out? To where?" She asked. I definitely saw this coming. "We are going to get lunch. It will be quick" I replied.

"Okay fine" she answered before hanging up. I can't help feeling she doesn't like the fact that I'm going out.

After realizing I wasted some time,I quickly dressed in an Ankara A shaped gown with a with big-ish veil. Just to be on the safe side.

I called the driver around and left for the cafe immediately.

"So when is he coming home?" Aaliya asked.

We are currently in bleu cafe having lunch. It has only been 40 minutes since I came but I couldn't help keeping track of time.

"In 5 days" I replied and they all nodded. "Do you want to stay alone or is Layla staying with you??" Humaira asked sipping her drink.

"Zayn suggested Layla stay with me but his mother said Husna is coming" I said and they all widened their eyes which made me chuckle. "What??" I asked rhetorically.

"Husna? Where is Amira? Or Layla? Why Husna?" Habits asked in one breath. "Amira is busy with school and Layla too" I told them with a shrug.

"What if Zayn comes back and then Husna refuse to leave?" Aaliya asked raising her brows.

"Guys chill. Husna and I are cool. We don't have a problem plus she told me she doesn't love Zayn anymore" I explained to them.

"Since when did you two become friends?" They asked in unison. Bruh this women will be the dead of me.

"Since you guys forgot about me" I replied with a straight face.I could see them rolling their eyes. "Oh come on" Humaira replied looking bored.

"We actually became close after I made up with my mother-in-law," I told them. They all nodded understanding.

"Do you think she has actually changed Noor?" Hanifa asked hesitantly watching me closely. "Yes?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"What is that supposed to mean?" they asked. "I don't know" I said honestly. I wasn't really sure what to say.

"You just be carefully okay?" Humaira said and I nodded. "I don-" the sound of my timer going off interrupted me from speaking.

"What's the timer for?" Aaliya asked and I smile awkwardly. "I have to go back home early. Husna is coming" I explained.

"You haven't even finished your food yet Noor" Hanifa said. "Sorry guys I have to go" I said giving them an apologetic smile before departing the cafe.

Time to welcome Husna.


Today's chapter is short I know and I'm sorry. I barely update now a days and I'm so sorry.

I'm going to try to update frequently before exams insha Allah.


You guys better not get bored of this book yet. There is still some spicy, juicy part of the story that is yet to unfold.

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Lots of love❤️❤️

Lots of love❤️❤️

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