38: Drama is the spice of life.

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Husna's pov

"Here read this" I gave him the file and he collected it looking confused.

I smiled as he went through the pages and when he finally stopped, he looked up at me with his killer smile. "Wow, I didn't even realize I left this at home" he said placing it next to his other files.

"Noor was at the cafe so I decided to bring it to you, I figured it might be important" I told him and he nodded. "I don't usually leave my work files at home but anyways thank you" he smiled again. God, how can anyone not fall for this smile?

"It's okay. I know how distracted you are these days because of Noor" I chirped in watching his expression very carefully. I knew Zayn for a very long time and I know he is not the one to be manipulated easily. He is the opposite of his so called wife who is stupid and easily manipulated.

And what did you think? That I was gonna bring Zayn the test results and abortion pills? I have a way greater plan for that.

"What are those?" He asked pointing at the pills containers. "These are just drugs for my migraines. I get them alot" I explain and he nodded before I slipped back the drugs into my bag.

"Is that all?" He asked almost as if he wanted to get rid of me. "Yes that's it" I said as I stood up and made my way to the door. "See you at home" I said before I exited his office.

My plan is coming together and I'm happy. I know Zayn still loves me just like he did months ago. I just have to get rid of his wife and now that I have won her trust, I will play her so bad and at the end she will be blamed and despised by everyone.

Call me selfish but I don't care. I love Zayn and I will do anything to get him back and knowing he might still have feelings for me encourages me. Zayn's father arranged his wedding with Noor without considering my feelings as his girlfriend and now I'm going to be petty just like him. I'm going to get back with Zayn even if I hurt everyone around him I don't care anymore.

Noor isn't actually at the cafe she is at home looking sick, miserable and depressed over her fight with Zayn last night. To worsen the situation for her and make it better for me, Zayn left the house without talking to her or eating anything.

I waited for the Uber that I called patiently stomping my feet on the concrete floor. The Uber driver arrived and I gave him the address of my home now too.

My phone started ringing and I picked up immediately seeing Zayn's mothers name. "Hello" I greeted her with a smile. "Have you completed the plan?" She asked with a cold calm voice.

"No I told you everything will be revealed to Zayn tomorrow not today" I told her and she sighed loudly. "I just can't wait to get that girl out of my child's life" she said desperately and I smirked. Trust me, I want that more than anyone.

"Our plan will definitely work tomorrow. All I need you to do is to invite Zayn and Noor for lunch tomorrow at your home" I told her. "Why do I need to do that?" She asked. I took a breath preparing to explain everything about tomorrow to her.

"I need Zayn and Noor out of the house to execute our plan. And while they are at your home, make sure you pressurize Noor. In other words, give Noor indirect signs that you know about the abortion. But don't make it obvious please" I told her. I didn't want her to mess anything up even though she has been of great help.

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