47: spill the beans

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Third person's pov

Aaryan walked into his mother's room slowly. He knew she wasn't home and he decided to check her room just to see what she has been up to.

Luck was on his side because the moment he entered the room, he spotted his mother's phone on the bed. He was surprised, to say the least. He didn't expect her to leave her phone behind while she goes out.

He took the phone in his hands and unlocked it. Their mother's pin has been Amira's date of birth for the longest time and thankfully she didn't change it.

He knew what he wanted to check immediately he unlocked the phone. He scrolled and read through his mother's and Husna's chat briefly. He looked in horror at all their plans. He dropped the phone and quickly grabbed his own.

He needed to do something as soon as possible. He dialed a number hurriedly and was glad when the other person picked up immediately.

"Noor is in trouble we need to save her now," Aaryan said. "Share the location I will be right there," Faruk said not wasting time with any questions. He knew what his sister has been going through for the past weeks and he was sure this is one of them.

Aaryan shared the location he saw in the messages with Faruk and went out the door to his car. "She has crossed all limits now" he whispered angrily to himself as he buckled his seatbelt.

"What have you done to her?" Ya Faruk's voice startled everyone present in the room. Aaryan was behind him scanning the room.

He saw his sister lying unconscious and quickly went to her panic written all over his face. "Noor" he called out but she was long gone. He wanted to stay and put them all in their place. The people that want to harm his sister and the life inside of her but he didn't have time to waste.

He took the unconscious Noor in his arms and looked at Aaryan who had his head down. He looked guilty. "I'm taking Noor to the hospital. Take your mother home" he said the last part glaring at Umma who looked away. "I will meet you there," Aaryan said and Ya Faruk nodded before leaving the room.

"The driver will take you home and I will take Umma home," Aaryan told Husna who nodded and quickly left the room like a breeze. "Shall we go?" he said coldly to Umma. He was embarrassed by her. How can she stoop this low?

He went outside and released a sigh. He was definitely gonna tell Zayn about this and he doesn't care what anyone says.

"Your father and brother shouldn't know about this" she spoke when they were almost home. Aaryan suppressed the urge to glare at her. She dares to say that after what she did.

He ignored her cause he knew if he decides to say something, then it wouldn't be pleasant. And she is still his mother after all. He held the steering wheel tightly releasing all the anger and stress.

All he wanted to do was to go and drop his mother off and then go and check on Noor. He hopes she is okay and no damage has been caused.

"I hope you have heard what I said," she said as soon as they pulled up to the gate. She was scared Aaryan was gonna expose her. "Hmm" Aaryan hummed hoping to get her off his back. He was gonna talk and she can't stop him.

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