34: pregnancy?/influenced

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Noor's pov
3 days later

"I'm going to my parent's house"

"No you are not"

"Why would you say that? Of course I'm going there" I said to Husna walking further into her room.

It was three days later and I needed to go to the hospital. I needed to know what's wrong with me. I didn't want to tell Husna because I knew she would be worried plus I didn't want her to think anything else.

"You are pretty predictable Noor," she told me with a grin. Am I that bad at lying? "You are going to the hospital aren't you?" she asked and my eyes widened.

"You didn't want to tell me because you think I will have some idea in my mind right?" she said again. Is this girl a mind reader? How did she know so much? "The expression on your face says it all" she added and I regained my senses.

"Okay fine I'm going to the hospital" I admitted. There was no use hiding it now since she had already caught my lie. I opened my mouth to say something but decided against it. I wanted to tell her I was afraid of what the doctor is going to say.

"Should I accompany you there?" she asked. "No, I'm fine. I better go or I will be late for my appointment" I told her heading toward the door.

"I invited a friend over Noor I hope you don't mind," she said as I placed my hand on the doorknob. "I don't mind. You guys have fun" I said before exiting the room.

I got into the car as the driver starts the engine. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Why am I so nervous? I'm I just sick or sick sick?

The drive to the hospital was quick. I immediately went up to the receptionist and told her about my appointment. I came 10 minutes early and I sat to wait in the waiting area.

I kept playing with my fingers imagining the worst scenarios in my head. What if I have a deadly disease? What if I'm pre-

"The doctor is ready for you ma'am" the receptionist informed me showing me to the doctor's office.

She room was cold as I stept in. A middle aged woman sat down with thin glasses sitting on her nose bridge. "Good afternoon" she greeted gesturing me to sit down across her desk. "Good afternoon" I greeted back sitting down.

"It says in your report that you have been experiencing stomach ache, persistent vomiting and sickness from time to time" she said reading from the report. "Yes" I replied with a nod.

"When do you mostly feel sick? Is it in the morning, afternoon or night?" She asked. "It's mostly in the mornings then I will feel much better in the afternoon and then it comes back in the night" I told her and she nodded.

"For how long now?" She asked. "For about 3-2 weeks now" I said and she continued writing.

"Do you vomit only after eating or on an empty stomach?"

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