Chapter 5: Keep running

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Mason Walton

I looked around the site one last time taking notes. We'd been here for a couple of hours now and Mr. Williams kept talking about the different levels in the land and difficulties we might encounter. I snapped a few last pictures before looking back to where Elsa and Katrina were standing. Elsa came rushing to me and took the notes and camera from my hand.

"Send them to Dahlia as soon as we get to the hotel."

"Oh but we're not going to the hotel just yet. We're going to my house for lunch."

"Mr. Williams... I thought..." I didn't know how to politely decline the invitation.

"Drop the formalities Mason, just call me James. And there's no way you're getting out of this lunch, my wife and daughter already prepared everything and are waiting for us." We were now standing by his car "And Natalie is in her second year in architecture, you can give her some pointers." He opened his door and climbed in before I could protest.

I glanced at Katrina who was standing still like a statue with an unreadable expression on her face. I guess I can't run from this... I knocked on his window which he rolled down immediately.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Could you send me the address? I'll drop Elsa at the hotel and meet you there."

"What? That's nonsense! They are coming too. We treat our staff like family, right Katrina?"

"Yes, Mr. Williams."

With that, Elsa and I headed to my car in awkward silence. I didn't feel comfortable with going to a client's home, I knew Adam did it all the time but it felt weird. And to top it all, I was dragging poor Elsa with me.

"I'm sorry you have to go too, I know you don't like spending time with Katrina but I couldn't get out of it."

"No worries, plus it's better I'm there in case you want to leave and I can make up an excuse for you."

I laughed reversing the car and driving out of the site following James. It took us an hour to get to his house due to traffic and rush hour. Elsa was busy on her phone as usual but this time it wasn't work-related. It was espionage.

"I found her!"

"Found who?" I asked raising an eyebrow, I didn't know we were looking for someone on social media.

"Natalie Williams! Oh! She's beautiful! But thankfully not your type. She's blonde and has blue eyes." She said a little too happy about it.

"Wait, what do you mean by thankfully Elsa? What if she was my type? And how do you know she's not my type?"

She looked up at me with round innocent eyes "You never go for blondes?"

I rolled my eyes at her and looked ahead of me. It looked like not intimidating my assistant was a huge mistake as she now probably considered me as a friend of hers. I didn't mind, but it stunned me that she even noticed what my type was.

"I still don't get it though." I glanced at her "Thankfully? I mean why?"

"Well, if she's not your type you won't flirt with her and jeopardize your first leading project."

"Elsa, mind your own business please,"I said rather calmly considering I didn't like her comment one bit.

The second we parked our cars in front of a huge white Victorian house, the doors opened and a middle-aged classy woman stepped out followed by Natalie I supposed. Saying she was beautiful was an understatement. Elsa was right, I didn't usually go for blondes but Natalie had her own charm.

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