Chapter 10: Nothing happened

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Mason Walton

Something was nibbling at my ear waking me up, but I was too comfortable to move until the nibbling turned into biting. I groaned turning my head and found a black fluffy kitten with a patch of white fur shaped like a heart. As cute as the kitten was, I ignored it and turned back freezing for a second when I realized Katrina was cuddled to my side.

I bit my lip looking at her beautiful face, her curls framing it. My arm was wrapped around her waist and her leg was resting over mine. I didn't dare move, wanting to treasure that moment forever.

I yawned trying to remember how I got in bed with her. I was aware nothing happened, but I only recalled getting here.

Rita had this idea that kissing her would distract me from thinking about Celine. What she didn't know was that it wasn't Celine I was trying to forget.

I pressed her to the wall kissing her gently at first but Rita deepened the kiss and turned it into a heavy make-out session with hands and everything. I wasn't really succeeding at keeping Katrina out of my mind but I kept kissing her back until she tried to unbuckle my belt. I swatted her hand away taking a step back with a groan.

"What's wrong?" She asked me obviously annoyed.

"Nothing, you said it would take my mind off of her, but it's not working Rita, I can't stop thinking about her... I just can't!" I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "She's everywhere! It's intoxicating!"

"Who? Céline?"

"No! Katrina..."

"Jeez! You know what? Let's ditch this party and have some fun." She pulled me toward the front door and grabbed the keys from the valet before getting in the driver's seat "Get in playboy."

She took me to a crowded nightclub, music blaring and people dancing like it was their last day on earth. She moved toward the bar and got us drinks. One drink lead to another, and another, and the last thing I remember was Rita driving me here. She asked me where I was staying and I gave her Kat's address. But what happened after that was a mystery to me.

I ran a hand through her soft curls instantly cursing myself as I felt her stir under my touch and saw her eyes flutter open. At first, she gave me a soft smile but realization must have hit her hard as she jumped out of bed with a yelp and hid her face in her palms.

"Kat, I'm sorry... I..."

The door flew open and a young girl came bursting in "Katrina are you okay... Oh! I'm sorry I heard you scream..." She looked at me raising a brow.

"No, Scar. It's not what you think! Nothing happened..."

I could feel how uncomfortable she was so I got out of bed and frowned finding myself shirtless. I started looking for it when Kat threw it to me. I pulled it on and started working on the buttons looking for the bathroom door. They obviously needed some privacy so once I found the door I opened it and went inside closing it behind me. I let out a breath and started splashing cold water on my face.

What the hell have I done?

I looked through the cabinets and thankfully found an unused toothbrush. I unwrapped the packaging and brushed my teeth before fixing my hair with a bit of water. I looked at myself in the mirror and tucked my shirt in my pants trying to seem more presentable. I lingered in the bathroom for a few more minutes until I heard the bedroom door close.

I tentatively opened the door and found the bedroom empty, so I took the opportunity to sit on her bed and put on my shoes before walking out into the living room. I found Katrina still wearing the oversized t-shirt she woke up in but with black leggings, her hair up in a bun. The other girl, Scar, was sitting with the kitten in her lap and sipping coffee.

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