Chapitre 15: very beautiful

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Mason Walton

She looked at me panic visible in her eyes. "I... well... you..."

I raised an eyebrow amused "Yes? You're here because?"

"Mr. Williams sent me!" She said it so quickly that I knew she was lying. But why would she?

"James Williams sent you to New York?" She nodded "What for?"

The way she froze again made me chuckle. I loved seeing her all alarmed and bothered, she was so cute with her big brown hazel eyes and her curls framing her face. She wasn't good at hiding her emotions which made it easier for me to read her. She came here on her own will to see me but wouldn't admit it. It was obvious, but why would she come after pushing me so far away from her.

"So? Why did your boss send you all the way to Boston?"

"No, I actually came to visit my family, and then, Mr. Williams asked me to come by your office and..."

"And?" I should just pull her out of her misery but I just loved seeing her like that.

"Didn't he call you? He said he'll call and you'll know what to do."

"Is that so?" She nodded quickly. "Well, there's only one way to find out why he sent you to me." I pulled out my phone from my pocket just as the waiter brought our food. "Thank you," I told him and looked up at Kat "I'll just give him a call."

It only took her seconds to get up and snatch my phone from my hand. I looked at her with a frown "What are you doing Katrina? I just need to call your boss.  Maybe he needs something important from me."

"No, he doesn't." she sat back in her chair and stared at her hands silently. "I have a week off, I really came to visit my parents. But I came to see you, no one sent me."

"And why not say so?"

"Because," She hid her face in her palm "look at you, you're already smirking and gloating!" She said annoyed.

I laughed shaking my head "I'm not gloating. I'm just happy you came to see me."

Katrina peeked at me from behind her fingers and slowly let her hands down showing a beautiful shy smile. I reached out for her hand and she gave it to me without hesitation. Progress. I stared into her eyes with hope, hope that one day she'll let me in.

"The night you came over and you were drunk... you said a lot of things. You also talked about Celine and how much she hurt you. I was about to send you the phone with my sister Scarlett but when I saw she called you, I just couldn't. I knew hearing from her might bring back bad memories, I mean you already got drunk because of her. And that's what I'm doing here. I just felt the need to be here with you in case you need a... shoulder to lean on. A friend."

I nodded "I thought so too you know. I thought seeing her or hearing her voice would send me back to square one, but it didn't. In fact, it showed me how much I moved on. I don't care about her anymore, she hurt me mentally more than anything else." I didn't want to mention the panic attacks or the self-doubt. There was no need for that.

"That's good." She smiled at me "I guess, seeing her gave you closure, but you didn't need to pretend to have a girlfriend Mason. Why did you do it?"

I scratched my stubble "My ego." I answered her honestly "But if you hadn't shown up I wouldn't have done it. Not because she knows Elsa, but because I wished for a second that I wasn't pretending." I paused and looked outside "I didn't get drunk that night because of Celine. I was trying to get you out of my mind, but it didn't work since I showed up at your place."

"Mason," She whispered softly "I'm sorry. I really am. I don't want you to think there's something wrong with you, it's just me and the way I think. And someday you'll understand where I come from."

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