Chapter 36: Perfect

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Katrina Johnson

The scent of freshly baked cookies filled my nostrils as I stepped foot inside The Walton's mansion. Speakers were blasting with holiday music and the kids were running around in red pajamas with Santa's face on the top. They were happily playing together and laughing, ignoring Mason and me as we made our way to the kitchen. I noticed there was a Christmas tree in every corner.

Elise Walton had outdone herself. Everything looked magical and perfect giving us the opportunity to really feel the Christmas spirit. I was in love with how the trees were all decorated in gold and white, giving them an angelic feel. There were little deers and Santas here and there were the cutest, along with the candles that only added to the magic of Christmas.

I heard Elise humming to the 'jingle bell' as we went into the kitchen and gasped at the sight before me. The kitchen isle was filled with food and desserts. I looked around at the messy kitchen before my eyes landed on my mom who was humming as well with the brightest smile on her face. She was helping with the cooking.

"Oh Mason, Katrina, you came!" Elise rushed over to us and hugged us both in turn. My mom did the same. They were so cheery they reminded me of Mrs. Claus.

"Thank you, Mason, for spending Christmas with us this year like old times. It means a lot to me. I know you've made it a tradition to spend Christmas with your friends in a different place every year so I know how hard it must have been to break it."

"Mom, you don't need to thank me, Kat and I wanted to be here with all of you. And... I don't know about the gang but, I have a new tradition starting tonight. I'll always spend Christmas eve with you."

"Awww... That is so sweet."

I smiled at my mom loving how quickly she got emotional and handed her a tissue.

"That is the best gift you ever gave me." Elise hugged her son once again before turning to me, "Are you here to help us or spend more time with him?"

"I'm definitely here to help. He's just dropping me off."

"Great! Then, you're in charge of the bedrooms. You need to decorate them and place a Christmas card on the bedside with a plate of cookies." She told me giddily.

"Alright, I can do that." I chuckled and pecked Mason's cheek "I'll miss you" I whispered in his ear.

I heard our moms clearing their throats and pulled away from him feeling a blush creep up my neck and onto my cheeks. "Where do I find the decorations?"

"In the closet under the stairs, Mason will show you." It took her seconds to change her mind "No, I'll show you."

"Why? I'll show her on my way out."

"If you show her, you'll never find your way out."

Oh. Mason and I, in a closet, under the stairs. How did she even get that thought? The shock of her statement passed and we all laughed as she led me out of the kitchen and to the closet. She opened it and showed me the box I needed.

I made my way upstairs to the third floor which was usually used for guests and started with my parents' room. Every couple had a room on that floor except for Helena and Adam. They'd be staying in her own room that was now attached to her kids' room. I was told that connecting Helena's room to the bedroom next to it was Zachary's idea.

I reached the third floor out of breath and had to pause a little before starting on my task. Once inside, I opened the box and started taking out what I needed. I loved the idea of decorating the bedrooms as well. It didn't take me long to finish all the bedrooms and I already missed Mason so I went down to the second floor where his bedroom was and pushed it open wanting to feel close to him even if he wasn't actually there.

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