Chapter 20: You are impossible!

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Katrina Johnson

It took me a moment to gather all I had in me and push him away. I stared at him wide-eyed not believing he actually kissed me like that in the middle of the street after he promised we were just friends.

"Mason!" I frowned at his grinning figure and punched him in the chest harder than I intended to.


"Why did you do that?"

Eloise cleared her throat making us realize she was still standing just inches away from Mason. "I'm gonna go Mason, it was nice meeting you and I hope to see you again." She pecked his cheek with a smile "Thank you for coffee."

She didn't even glance at me or acknowledged me. She just turned and left as if I wasn't even there. "She's so rude."

"She is?" Mason asked looking after her "I thought she was a nice girl. Anyway, did you have breakfast?"

I glared at him shaking my head "You are impossible! I don't want to have breakfast with you! I'm leaving!" I stomped my foot like a four-year-old, very unladylike, and was about to leave when he softly gripped my hand.

"Friends have breakfast together Kat, it's a normal thing to do."

"Yeah? Well, friends don't kiss and you just did that!"

"Friends with benefits do."

" Just leave me alone Mason."

"I can't leave you alone Kat! You consume my thoughts, you're everywhere and I said I wanted to be your friend because it's way better than not having you at all!" he ran a hand in his hair and looked away not wanting me to see the clear desperation in them.

I bit my lower lip looking down at my feet not knowing what to do. I wanted him to be in my life as much as he wanted it. Our relationship changed from what it was and I loved it. I just didn't want him to be hopeful of having me completely. I couldn't do that to myself, and he didn't seem to understand that.

"So you have coffee with every girl your mother introduces you to?" I surprised both of us.

His frown slowly turned into a grin and he fixed my gaze with his, "Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?"

"Pft, why would I be jealous! I'm just curious. That's all."

"Curious, I see." He was still grinning and I would just smack off that grin if I could.

"We're friends are we not? Friends know these things about each other."

"No, Kat. I don't have coffee with random girls because my mother introduced them to me. I was kind of forced to have coffee with her. We coincidentally ran into her in CP... It's all my mom's doing."

"She wants you to settle..." I said more to myself than to him and the thought of Mason settling down and being in love with someone scared me to death.

"I guess that's her way of... I don't know making sure I'm not lonely." He let out a sigh "But I don't care about all of that. Right now I care about you, and only you."

I played with the tips of my hair looking into his eyes feeling like I was falling deep and deeper by the second. Oh and that smirk of his!

"So, breakfast?"

"Don't you have to go to the office?"

"I'm already late. Maybe I can take a sick day, I've never done that before and my boss won't mind." He chuckled and I followed suit.

"Would you like to go to the farmer's market with me? It's in Tompkins Square Park."

He looked uncertain at first, and I was sure he wouldn't agree to it but I just wanted to see how far he'd go to spend time with me.

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