Chapter 17: Unity

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Mason Walton

I had never seen Katrina tipsy before. Not even at senior prom where the punch was spiked and everyone drank from it. To say it was a funny sight was an understatement. She was singing to Alan Walker 'Unity' song slurring the words and giggling from time to time. She was so cute tipping her head from side to side and dancing with her arms in her seat. I was supposedly driving her to her parents' house which I had no idea where that was.

"Kitty Kat? What intersection should I take now?"

"You are my symphony! By your side we are unity..."

I chuckled "Kat please" she met my eyes but kept singing.

"You are my energy, my guiding light, we are unityyyyy..."

I listened to her sing wishing she was really singing to me, really telling me I meant to her that much. Letting her have dinner with my family and friends tonight was a hard choice to make. At first, I immediately said no to Helena, not wanting to cross that line. We had just agreed to be friends and I didn't want Kat to run for the hills. I also thought letting her meet them would mean that we are more than friends. Something I wouldn't mind, but knew she would. She surprised me by saying yes to dinner to Helena.

Once Helena left, I asked Kat why she agreed and it turned out she couldn't resist my sister's puppy eyes. We spent more time in CP before getting flowers and chocolates for Helena. Something Kat insisted on.

Dinner was great; they all behaved and teased me just a little without making me or Kat uncomfortable. When Adam brought up Celine, it was like all hell broke loose. They were all concerned and worried but I assured them I was alright and even told them how I faked being Kat's boyfriend. Jason grinned knowingly. "You only did that so you could kiss poor Katrina here". We all laughed at his comment including Katrina who was blushing like never. The rest of the evening went by smoothly and we all decided to do it again before Kat left for Boston.

I parked the car and realized I was in front of my apartment building. I let out a sigh and looked at Kat who was still hyped and dancing. I couldn't take her like that to her parents, that wouldn't be good now, would it?

"Katrina, we're at my place."

She looked at me and her eyes went huge "No! I have to be home" She giggled "My brother Noah is waiting for me at home." she whined before resting her forehead on my shoulder. "You need to take me home Mr. Walton."

I froze when she wrapped an arm around my waist and was snuggling to me. "Kat," I whispered, "I would gladly take you home if I knew where it was."

"Okay," She mumbled, "It's in Queens."

"Could you add it to the GPS?" She nodded and fumbled around before adding the address.

"Thank you, Kitty Kat."

"I love it when you call me that." She smiled as she dozed off.

I was grinning like a fool as I followed the instructions and drove toward her parents' house. It was in Forest Hill and in a nice neighborhood. The houses were dotted with trees and foliage, they almost looked the same. I stopped the car in front of their house and looked at a sleeping Katrina Johnson. She was so damn beautiful.

"Kat, Kat, we're here."

"No... five more minutes please."

I chuckled "Katrina Johnson, your dad is coming to us with a rifle; I'd suggest you get up."

She opened her eyes too quickly as she sat up straight and looked at her house. "Mason! You scared the hell out of me!" She rubbed her eyes pouting.

"Would your dad actually come out with a rifle?" I asked suspiciously.

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