Chapter 30: Who are you?

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Katrina Johnson

I was looking at the snow outside when I heard the door push open. I looked behind my shoulder and saw Helena coming in with more flowers. She hadn't spoken a word to me since last week. She came twice a day and ignored my presence in the room. At first, I would cry and be upset but I started mirroring her actions.

She set the flowers in a vase next to his bed and kissed his forehead. I turned back to look at the parking lot and noticed Eloise coming. I took a deep breath and reached for my coat.

"Oh, don't leave on my account Katrina."

I looked at Helena and rolled my eyes "Eloise is coming."

"The real girlfriend comes and the fake one leaves."

"Helena please leave me alone. I'm not leaving, I'll be outside."

"Why? Can't stand seeing another woman touch him? Or kissing him?"

I took a deep breath and looked at Mason one more time before leaving the room. I ran into Eloise in the corridor and she frowned at me.

"You're here every time I come to see him!"

"Yeah, what a coincidence? Hi to you too Eloise." I rolled my eyes and left her there as I made my way to the cafeteria.

It had been a week since the accident, and Mason was still unconscious. I only left the hospital once a day to take a shower and wear fresh clothes before coming back to his side. I couldn't stand being away from him knowing he could wake up at any time.

I prayed for him to wake up every single second. The doctors were hopeful that no permanent damage was done but still needed to run some tests when he woke up before giving us any certain information. Elise and I slept by his side every night, and we grew close by each passing day.

She was a remarkable woman that I grew to like and may I dare say, love. She held a dear place in my heart.

My parents visited Mason twice, and it was nice seeing my dad with Zachary reminiscing the old days. Noah came regularly with Elsa, and so did Jason and Tara.

I got a cup of coffee and took a table in the corner with a view of the garden where they usually let patients get some air. But with the snow covering everything, there was no one outside of course.

I took the opportunity of being alone to check my calls and messages. I found one from Mr. Williams asking about Mason. When I didn't show up to work on Monday, he called me with a rage I had never heard in his voice before. I told him what happened and explained that I needed to stay with Mason.

At first, he was reluctant but quickly agreed. I wanted to tell him that I wanted to resign but I knew better. That wasn't the right way to do it. I quickly gave him an update on Mason before moving to the next message.

I saw Jason pulling out a chair from the corner of my eye and turned to face him.

He smiled at me and placed a chocolate muffin in front of me. "Aunt Elise told me you had nothing to eat since yesterday's lunch. Which was not much if I recall."

I smiled at how caring he was and took a bite "Thank you." I wiped my mouth with a napkin and let out a sigh, "Is Eloise still here?"

"She is. She's the one that told me she saw you heading this way. She's wondering why you're always here."

"What did you tell her?"

Jason smirked "I told her the truth, I told her Mason was going to see you when he had the accident. I told her Mason is deeply in love with you."

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