Chapter 35: She's my world

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Mason Walton

"Bullshit!" Jason laughed shaking his head "Do you remember when he had a crush on the new Spanish teacher?"

Adam burst into laughter "How can I forget about that? He wouldn't stop babbling about her! He always had his homework done! But hey, you have to admit, it was adorable."

I rolled my eyes as they kept teasing me and laughing at me just because they wanted to humiliate me in front of Kat. I glanced at her and she met my gaze with a wide smile. She'd been listening to Adam and Jason for the past hour with the cutest grin ever. It felt so good and most importantly, so right to be here with her. Spending time with the most important people in my life. And I loved that they got along with her so well and welcomed her to our group with open arms.

I rested my hand on her thigh and squeezed a little, earning the cutest blush I've ever seen on her. I leaned into her ignoring the boys who were still talking shit about me and inhaled her perfume.

"Are you having fun?" I whispered in her ear as my hand climbed higher up her thigh.

Kat cleared her throat and turned to look at me with longing in her eyes. I loved that I could affect her so easily. She held the same power over me. She could set me on fire with just a smile, but I wasn't complaining.

"Yes, I'm good, but I have to take blacky to the vet so I'll be leaving in a few."

"Yes, I remember, I'll take you."

"Take her where? We just got here!" Helena whined.

"We're taking her cat to the vet."

"Oh? You have a cat?" Helena asked her suddenly interested in our conversation.

Kat showed her pictures of Blacky and the conversations around me shifted to pets and animals. Helena kept letting out awes here and there each time she saw a photo of Blacky. She wanted to adopt a cat herself but was worried the twins would hurt it somehow. I watched them with a smile as they seemed to have broken the ice between them and started talking about other things.

I felt Adam's gaze on me and looked up only to find him smirking. He was happy for me, there was no denying that, but his look said more. It showed me how much he cared for me and how much he wanted me to succeed in everything.

"So what are we doing for Christmas this year?" Tara asked looking at us. She and Helena were the Christmas queens of our group. They always wanted to throw the biggest party and took the holidays pretty seriously.

"Last year you spent it without me!" Johny D accused us.

"No one told you to fly to Istanbul!" Helena rolled her eyes "Christmas is special. I wasn't going to miss it for you!"

"Don't be a bitch Helena, I was with Kayra you know it."

"Don't call her names Johny D." Adam said lazily before taking a sip of his drink.

"We're spending it all at my parents' house." I cut off their bickering.

"Since when do you get to decide?" Tara glared at me, "Why not go to the mountains? And rent a cabin or something?"

"Look I've been in a near-death experience, and I really want to spend the holidays with my parents and with you all. So I'm asking you to please say yes. The house is huge, there is enough room for everyone and mom will love that we're spending Christmas with them."

I met Helena's eyes and she was smiling from ear to ear, "Adam and I are in."

Johny D nodded, "Kayra and I are in too."

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