Chapter 26: We don't talk anymore

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Mason Walton

Friday came and I was in my office having coffee with my mom before I had to leave. I was so busy this week that I couldn't go to dinner. I couldn't even see Helena and her family. I missed the kids so much, and they missed me. They often called me on facetime but I had to cut the calls early too many times.

I hated feeling far from them but I had no choice. Emily had a cold and Adam had to stay home with his family so I had to meet my clients as well as his. Aside from that, it had been a crazy week at the office with Williams' project. The time was working non-stop like a group of bees.

"How is Katrina?" My mom asked looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"We don't talk anymore."

"What? Why? You looked so close at dinner!" It looked like I shattered her dreams into million pieces. She wanted me to settle down and it was no secret.

"I absolutely have no idea... I stopped trying to understand what happened because it was starting to drive me crazy."

"What happened after you left? Walk me through it."

I sighed heavily rubbing the back of my neck "I took her home, told her I had fun and she said she liked you and dad a lot. She said it wasn't what she was expecting." I chuckled "She said 'I felt like I was going to eat with the royal family, but you were all so down to earth and welcoming. I loved every second of it.' That's what she said."

"did you kiss her?"

"Mom! No, I didn't. She wants us to be friends, I didn't want to ruin it. I just pecked her cheek told her I was glad and left."

"Next morning?"

"I called her but she sent me to voicemail. I text and she didn't reply. After a few texts, she finally replied saying she was busy. It was like that for a few days, and then she started acting professional so I stopped trying. It's obvious she's putting distance between us, so I'm doing the same. I won't waste my energy on someone who doesn't want me."

"Mason I'm sorry, I thought..."

"I thought so too. Don't worry I'm fine, really."

"I just don't want you to fall back into..."

I laughed "I was never truly a playboy mom. You know it. Don't worry, I promise I'm fine."

"What about Eloise? You could try again?"

"No, she's not my type. She's nice and beautiful but not what I want." I smiled "Please don't try and set me up again, I can find the woman of my dreams on my own."

We both laughed and she nodded "I promise I won't. Well, I'll go and let you catch your flight. Are you taking the jet?"

"Yes, I don't want to wait at the airport. I'll stay for the night and come back next morning I think."

"Good. Have you heard about Serena?"

"No? What happened?"

"She's getting a divorce. Things are going downhill with Kerem. That poor girl locked herself up and won't see anyone, not even your sister."

"I can't believe Jason didn't tell me. I just talked to him this morning."

"I don't know, but when you get back you'll have to check on her. She's your cousin and your friend after all."

"Of course, I'll try and call her on my way to the airport." I took my phone and keys before we walked out of the office and I found Elsa gathering her things.

"You're leaving?"

"I was waiting for you to leave first Mr. Walton."

"I'm going now. I just want you to keep your phone with you in case I need you to send me files or anything. We never know with Williams. And tell Dahlia the same."

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