Chapter 16: Friend-zoned

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Katrina Johnson

How did I get myself into this situation? How did I move from pushing Mason away and keeping my distance, to this? Flying in to see my family was in my plans for weeks, but going to Mason's office? That was not part of the plan. Have lunch with him and go to Central Park? That was such a stupid thing to do. And to top it all I agreed to be friends with him! I mean why would I do that? He was trouble for my heart and I knew it. Instead of keeping my distance, I let him in!

While I was twirling in Central Park, a beautiful girl came over and called Mason's name. At first, I looked at her and groaned thinking 'How many gorgeous women does he know?' And I felt a bit jealous for a second even though I had no right to be, only to be introduced to her and find my jealousy was misplaced. That beautiful girl was the one and only Helena Walton, Mason's sister. She was so nice, bubbly, and welcoming, and that was exactly why I was in this particular situation.

Moving from being distant to a family dinner in just one day was a record for me. Upon hearing my name Helena became all excited like a little kid who just had a candy bar! Helena immediately hugged me with a squeal, giving away the fact that Mason probably told her about me. I thought it was sweet. She was so happy to see me that she invited us for dinner at her house and Mason said it was up to me.

And me? I couldn't say no to her. I couldn't say no to the puppy face she pulled on me when she felt that I was hesitating and looking for an excuse. At last, we promised her we'll go for dinner at 7. We spent a little more time in Central Park and I was freaking out! I did my best not to let it surface and keep my panic bottled up inside of me.

"Do you like the flower or would you prefer a heart?"

I looked up at Emily, Adam Yilmaz's daughter who was so excited to meet me and was trying to doll me up for dinner. She had put a bright red lipstick on my lips and a far too strong peachy blush, and now she was painting my nails.

"I like it, sweetie," I smiled at her wanting nothing but to go to the bathroom and wipe away the lipstick.

"Oh my God! What have you done to her beautiful face?" Helena came over and gave me tissues "Feel free to clean it up, you don't have to keep them on" She giggled "I'm sorry about that, she loves playing dress-up."

I laughed and nodded, "It's okay, I'll fix it in the bathroom. Is Mason back yet?" Mason received a call from his friend and had to leave for a while.

"No, but they are on their way, almost here." She said with a smile taking a seat facing me.

"They?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Emily, leave her alone, go eat your dinner and get to bed baby."

"Yes, mommy."

"She's beautiful." I looked at Emily as she packed her stuff and went to the kitchen.

"Thank you. She has her mom's eyes and hair."

"Who is coming with Mason? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, just our usual gang, my cousin and her husband, her half brother and his wife."

"Oh, I see." I got on my feet "Where is your bathroom? I need to take this off" I gave a nervous chuckle.

"Hey don't worry, you'll love them I promise." She led the way to the bathroom and opened the door.

"I'm  not worried or nervous, don't get me wrong" I took a tissue and started cleaning my face "I'm just over-thinking things. I just don't understand how I moved from pushing him away to agreeing to be his friend and to meet his family and friends and all that in just half a day! Do you know what I mean? It's like... all these years I stayed away for nothing." I washed my hands trying not to meet her eyes in the mirror.

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