Chapter 9: lay with me

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Katrina Johnson

I rested my head on the car window looking out, the city lights were so pretty. 'She's everywhere!' I heard Mason's voice in my head and closed my eyes tightly 'It's intoxicating!'

What am I going to do now?? It was hard enough when he only liked me for just my looks but now? How could I deal with him for the next six or so months without falling for him? That wasn't going to be easy but I knew that I was strong enough to survive this. I survived all the bullies growing up anyway. I took in a deep breath as that thought brought up painful memories that started when I was four due to my skin color.

"Are you okay love?"

I glanced at Pablo and gave him a soft smile nodding but I knew I couldn't fool him. This was Pablo after all, he knew me like the back of his hand. I shifted in my seat so I was facing him.

"I saw Mason kissing his date" I admitted playing with my fingers.

"And? You want nothing to do with him, right? So it shouldn't bother you don't you think?"

"It doesn't bother me. It's what I heard after he broke the kiss with her that bothers me."

"What did he say?" Pablo asked focusing on the road; he only had one drink in order to be able to drive.

"He told her I was everywhere and I was intoxicating" I pouted looking at my hands again.

Pablo burst into laughter, "And why is that upsetting? You should be happy he thinks that much about you. I don't see why it bothers you so much."

"Because I don't want to be with him, Pablo! And knowing he feels that way complicates everything... It isn't easy on me."

"Remind me, was he ever mean to you in high school?"

"No, never, he actually helped me a lot when I let him." We both looked ahead of us and I fell into one of my memories.

"What are you doing here?"

I looked up at Gregory Carson, the biggest bad boy and the biggest bully of our school. Whenever he was around me, I knew trouble was coming. I contemplated packing my books and just leaving but he didn't give me the time.

He grabbed my wrist tightly with a groan forcing me to look at him "I asked you a fucking question!"

I winced trying to pull my hand away from his grip but he was so much stronger than I was. "I'm just studying Gregory, I'm not bothering anybody."

"Well, you're bothering me. This school was founded by white rich people, this whole library was a donation from my great grandfather... and let me tell you" He leaned closer to me "He hated black people."

I felt myself tear up but held my head high. It wasn't the first time Gregory made racist comments to me, I should be used to it by now, but I wasn't. It hurt badly that some people still saw us beneath them due to our color or our lack of wealth. I looked around hoping someone would stop this madness but I was all alone with Gregory. At some point, the hatred in his eyes scared me.

"I'll leave, I promise, just let go of my hand" My voice cracked as I spoke but I didn't care.

"Leave the school or the library?"

I frowned confused "The library Gregory, I deserve to be in this school. I'm not rich as you are but I'm much smarter and..."

"Shut the fuck up! You're here on a scholarship and you're a half-blood!"

"What does that even mean?" I tried pushing him away but he only held me tighter. I saw a boy coming our way to place back a book and prayed he'll look our way. My prayers were heard and the boy turned around not realizing what was happening at first but his eyes went on my hand and he frowned taking a step closer to us.

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