Chapter 25: Enough is enough

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Mason Walton

Looking at my suitcase one last time, I was making sure I had everything I needed. I was leaving for Boston to meet with Williams and show him the progress of his project. Elsa was already on her way to the airport, so I just had to pick up Katrina. I really didn't know where we stood. After dinner with my family, I dropped her home and hadn't seen her since. I tried but she was always 'busy.'

We only exchanged a few texts in the last few days and she was always short and to the point. I wasn't sure what went wrong between us but it was like she was pulling away, running from me again, even though dinner with my parents went smoothly and she seemed to have fun. 

Even Helena called her once, asking her if she wanted to meet us at a club, but she had plans and didn't join us. It irritated me but I didn't show it to the others, we were friends after all. Celine tried calling me again a few times and only stopped when I threatened to have a restraining order against her. She was pushing my buttons.

MW: I'm here.

KJ: I'm coming.

I watched her drag her suitcase out and got out of the car to help her with it. The driver rushed to us and took it from me and out beside mine in the trunk.

"Good morning."

"Morning," She said sleepily and climbed in the car.

"This is going to be the longest flight", I mumbled to myself before getting in myself.

The whole ride to the airport was filled with tension, distance, and silence. She was really building barriers around her and it seemed like I couldn't get through them. I lost interest in trying to be honest. I knew if I kept trying I'd be pushing her farther away from me.

Once in my dad's private jet, Elsa sat across from me seeming really annoyed by Kat's presence. But I couldn't care less. I ignored both girls as they banter a little and took out my computer to work on more blueprints tuning them out by blasting music through my earphones.

I glanced at Kat and saw her sitting across from me but on the other side of the aisle. She readied herself to sleep. Elsa on the hand was scribbling furiously in her notebook which made me chuckle. She was such an angry smurf.

Just as we landed in Boston, Kat claimed her luggage and hurried out saying Pablo was waiting for her outside. She was going to her apartment before going into the office. Elsa and I went to Walton's hotel and settled in.

There was a knock on my door and I opened it to see Elsa. "Are you ready sir? We need to leave now in order to be there on time. It's almost rush hour."

I nodded taking my things "Did they bring the car upfront?"

"Yes, I called last night and told them to wash it and get it ready."

As I was driving to Williams enterprise, I could feel Elsa's eyes on me. I glanced at her and frowned "What?"

"Nothing." She looked away quickly.

"Elsa? You have something to say, just say it!"

"No, it's none of my business Mr. Walton. I'm sorry."

I let out a heavy sigh "Elsa?"

"I just... well I was wondering about you and Katrina. Are you a thing now?"

"No." I said flatly "We're friends. I knew her from high school, that's all." Of course, it wasn't all, but I couldn't say that since Katrina obviously wanted nothing to do with me.

"Oh." She seemed surprised "I thought... the way you look at her... I'm sorry I'm usually not wrong about these things."

I smiled and put her out of her misery "You thought right. I like her a lot, more than a friend but it's not meant to be. What about you? I saw flowers on your desk yesterday?"

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