Chapter 23: You're a genius

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Katrina Johnson

I walked out of the coffee shop with my cup of coffee in hand feeling the breeze of October hit me. I loved autumn and the way the leaves changed colors and fell to the ground only to grow again showing us that life goes on. I was headed to my favorite clothing store when someone bumped into me spilling my coffee on my scarf. Great, just great! I looked up and my frustration just increased.

"Oh, it's you!" Celine rolled her eyes lifting up her sunglasses and setting them on her head. "If it isn't Mason's new plaything."

"Plaything?" I touched the lucky charm bracelet recalling last night and how beautiful and perfect it was. I was far from being his plaything, I was sure of that. "If believing that makes you happy Celine, then be my guest."

"Wake up doll, all he sees in you is your beauty. I'm just trying to spare you the heartbreak. Soon enough he'll get tired of you, he'll get bored with you and he'll leave you and come back to me."

I couldn't help but laugh, I was nervous as hell fighting all my insecurities just to face her and not cower in the nearest corner. "Will you be waiting for him?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you really waiting for Mason to come back to you?"

"Of course I am. That man is crazy for me!" she spoke with so much confidence that I almost believed her. But I knew he was over her, he wouldn't try so hard to win me if he wasn't. He wouldn't subject himself to meeting 'the parents' if he wasn't.

"Let's say he does get bored with me and he leaves me. Do you really think Mason is stupid enough to get back to the biggest cheater on the planet?"

"Excuse me?" she took a step back, repulsed.

"Yeah, you heard me. Mason would never go back to someone who cheated on him so many times. And you, thinking otherwise shows just how much you really know him."

"He told you about this?" She really didn't believe him when he said I was his girlfriend, and now she was just surprised at how much I knew boosting up my confidence.

You messed with the wrong bitch! "Of course he did. We tell each other everything. No secrets between us."

"Yeah right," She glared at me, "If you claim to know so much, tell me. Who was his first?"

I hid my panic with a smile. I certainly didn't know who his first was! I knew that many girls back in high school wanted to date him but I didn't know the details. I never listened to the gossip around us.


She burst into laughter "Honey, I've dated him for a couple of years before you and Mason was no virgin let me tell you that."

"Who said you dated him before me?"

She frowned taking a step closer while glaring daggers at me. "What do you mean?"

"I've dated him before you. We've dated back in high school," I leaned closer to her ear "I was his first in everything" I whispered, "And he came back to me." I proudly took a step back "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my boyfriend so go waste someone else's time, Doll!" I smirked and walked away as quickly as I could.

My heart was beating so fast I thought it would explode into million tiny pieces. Once I was sure I was out of her sight, I pulled out my phone wanting to send Mason a text. Last night he gave me one last kiss and left me with all these emotions storming inside of me. I didn't know if he intended on being romantic when he gave me the bracelet but it was the most romantic thing anyone ever did to me. As simple as the gesture was, it was filled with true feelings and meaningful words. It sent my stomach into a chaotic state of dancing butterflies.

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