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Kakashi's father was a big part in his life, the only thing in his life. but Kakashi found him dead from suicide. He left
two notes stating the following.

Kakashi... there's so much I want to say. I regret so much from my life, but one
thing I don't regret is having you. You are a magnificent boy with brilliant potential.
I've done this for the safety of the village. Following my horrible choices got me here.
Kakashi, you have a good heart and a whole life. Live it, and don't regret anything.
You're happiness is all I care about, if you don't have happiness it will come and find
you. If not, make it, I love you dearly but everything must end. I'm sorry,

Goodbye -Sakumo.

Kakashi woke up that morning reading the suicide note his father left him a few years ago. Everyday he would
read this note, and everyday he would miss him more. He hadn't left his house at all for a few days and
his team was getting worried.

"It's not like they would care if I'm there or not..." he thought as he looked at his fathers note.

*Obito pov*

Obito felt the cold wet grass under his feet as he walked over to his sensei and his teammate Rin.

"He's still not here...?" Obito asked sadly

"No... I was thinking of checking on him but..." the blonde ninja sighed hard "I just don't know what happened...
a few days ago he was normal and now he's totally distant.."

"Like he's not even here anymore..." Rin said looking down

"That's it! It's been a week! I'm going to his house and finding out why he's skipping training!" Obito
marched off into the woods.

"Please be careful! What if he's going through something?" Rin cupped over her mouth and yelled through the

"I'll help him!" Obito yelled not looking back.

Rin sighed "he's not gonna give up till Kakashi's back to his old self..."

"He's a determined boy... he'll help him" Minato reassured her putting his hands on his waist.

Obito ran to Kakashi's house that was thankfully only a few blocks away from the forest. Obito knocked on the
door and after waiting a few minutes he knocked again. He got tired of waiting and just opened the door
expecting to see Bakashi but instead saw his empty house.

"Where's his parents? Aren't they here" obito walked through the hallway and saw a picture of Kakashi and his father
when Kakashi was around six. Obito smiled to himself as he put the picture down and moved his way over
to room.

Obito slowly opened the door and saw Kakashi standing there with a note in his hand. Obito walked to him.

"H-hey Bakashi? You've been gone for a while and... I got worried"

Kakashi turned around eyes wide as he brung the note to his chest hiding it from Obitos view.

"Whats that? A piece of paper-" obito thought "is it a love note or something?!" Obito took the note and looked
at it.

"Hey! Give I-it back!" Kakashi yelled

"It's from his dad? Why didn't he just tell him something..." Obito read the note clearly.
Kakashi looked away sadly as Obito kept reading.

"What did he do? What does he mean his horrible choice?" Obito asked as he gave the note back to Kakashi

"He...." Kakashi sighed "if I say it I'm afraid that... whatever follow me..." kakashi led him out a side
door and Obito followed him to a place with some stones in the floor.

"A graveyard? Why did we come here?" Obito asked as he hastily followed Kakashi

Kakashi sat down on his knees to a small grave. "This... this is why I've been gone..."

Obito knelt down and looked at the grave,

(Hattake Sakumo)

Obito looked at Kakashi with wide eyes.

"H-how did this happen?" He asked sadly

"He committed suicide a few years ago....I was like five.."

Obito was in shock all he wanted to do in that moment was to hug Bakashi. So he did. He hugged him
very tightly.

"I'm... im so sorry I didn't know..."

Kakashi hugged him back "it's okay... it's not you're fault.."

The note from before made a lot of sense to Obito now. And all the nice things that Sakumo said
about Kakashi made Obito smile.

"He really loved you huh?"

"Hm? Yeah... he was the best father I could have asked for.... I just wish he would come

"It's okay..." Obito pulled apart "I'm gonna stay with you until you're happy again!" Obito said with one
of his soft smiles

"...thank you Obito.. that means so much..." Kakashi muttered as he hugged him again.

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