His regrets

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Everyday when Obito comes to the meeting spot, Kakashi ends up lecturing him about
getting there on time. Every time he misses a Kunai throw, Kakashi would give him
advice like Obito was an idiot.

Every day, Kakashi would make Obito look like the stupid one. One day, Obito
had enough. When Minato and Rin left one day, Obito decided to confront Kakashi.

"Bakashi? What is your problem?" Obito gave him a side eye.

"What? What do you mean?" Kakashi asked him.

"Why are you always picking on me!" Obito shouted.

"Obito im-"

"Your always in the way! Telling me how to do something right! Always
in my face about my decisions! Leave me alone or be a prick!" Obito continued
"I never get a break from you! Your always there! Just f#&$ing kill yourself"

Kakashi went silent "I didn't know I was such a burden to you" Kakashi grabbed
his headband and threw it to the ground "I'll leave if it'll make you happy..."

Obito opened his eyes to realize all the things he said. He immediately regretted saying
that stuff to Kakashi. He knew that he was vulnerable but still told him to kill

Obito bent down and picked up the headband that Kakashi had around his head
previously. Obito watched Kakashi walk away with regret and the feeling to just
run to him and hug him.

But he didn't.

Obito sat in his room, Kakashi's headband in his hand. He rubbed circles on
the headband with his thumb.

He didn't have a mission that day so he couldn't see Kakashi. Now that he was gone, Obito
felt unnaturally sad and alone.

"I somewhat miss his nagging and lecturing..." Obito held the headband close "i somewhat
miss seeing him" Obito closed his eyes "what's wrong with me... it's Kakashi! A boy!" Obito shouted.

".. I can't deny that I miss him.. I need to see him!" Obito looked back at the headband
and sighed "I'm going insane..."

Obito grabbed Kakashi's headband before heading out the door. Team 7 had a mission
that day so it was a perfect opportunity to give it back to him and apologize. He
woke up early that day and ran to the training grounds an hour early.

Obito saw Kakashi at the training grounds and picked up his speed. He ran
to Kakashi and hugged him from behind making him twitch a bit.

"I'm so sorry!" Obito dug his face into Kakashis hair "I didn't have control
of myself? Please don't go!" Obito cried.

"Obito.. I'm not going" Kakashi smiled.

Obito released him a bit to put on his headband. After he was done tightening the headband,
he pulled Kakashi around to face him and hugged him tight.

"I missed your lecturing... I missed your voice" Obito smiled "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay Obito... if I'm honest.."

Obito pulled back a bit to see Kakashi's blushy face "I missed you too"

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