He's everything i have, please..

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The picture will make sense soon :)

Obito wined to his sensei.
"But Minato sensei! These missions are too easy! I want
some action!" Obito yelled.

Minato laughed "you must know Obito, harder missions are
more deadly. You can't just go to a B or A ranked mission over night" he
said, patting Obitos head.

Kakashi looked up at Obito, leaning against the wall.
"Yeah Obito, it takes time" he said, closing his eyes.

Obito looked over at Kakashi "shut up! Coming from you! You
we're born a prodigy! While people like me have to work for their
power!" He yelled, giving Kakashi a death glare.

Minato sighed, he looked at Rin "how would you feel about a
harder mission?"

Rin hesitated "I'm not sure.." she looked off.

Obito ran to her "come on Rin! It would be so much cooler than
our original missions!" He shouted.

She still looked hesitant "fine. How about this, I send you two
on a harder mission, see if you come back all smiley" Minato
placed his hands in his hips.

Obitos eyes sparkled "really!?"

Kakashi stepped closer "wait! Why do I have to join him! I
never complained about the missions"

Minato sighed "because, Obito needs someone strong to help him
if need be. And since I still need to help Rin with the remaining missions,
I can't be there" he stated.

Kakashi sighed "okay.. but I'm not sure about thi-"

"Come on!" He grabbed his shoulder "we'll be fine! As long as
you don't start any fights, we'll be okay!"

"You're literally starting one right now-"

"Okay sensei! Where are we going?" Obito smiled.

"It's not too far from the village, just south. We've been
needing to catch a gang of bandits. Think you two can handle
it?" Minato asked.

Obito immediately nodded "this will be sick!" He smiled.

Kakashi sighed "I have a bad feeling about this.."

Obito and Kakashi got their gear ready. Minato and Rin went
to the gate to say goodbye to them and make sure they were

"Now, you aren't going to get hurt right?" Rin asked.

"Nope! I'll protect everyone!" Obito smiled. "That's a promise!"

Minato smiled "you better Obito. And remember, this is a harder class
mission. No fooling around or fighting. Got that?" He looked at the two.

Kakashi and Obito nodded, Minato giving them final directions to
the hideout of the bandits.

As they were watching them leave, Rin spoke up.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked, not taking her eyes
off the two boys.

Minato nodded, also not taking his eyes off them.
"Obito needs to learn the difficulty of a harder mission.. if
doing this is the only way, so be it.." he closed his eyes.

~With Tobito and closeted prodigy~

"Look what you've done, now I have to babysit you on a B ranked
mission.." Kakashi said, putting his hands in his pockets.

Obito quickly turned his head "I don't need no babysitter! I'm perfectly
capable of handling myself!" Obito said proudly.

Kakashi rolled his eyes "in a special Ed class maybe.."

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