Your static love part 2

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Finally! I stop being lazy and finish static love😭
I have been so sick and sleepy lately you have no idea🤒

Kakashi held the leash close to him, and he watched as his eight dogs sniffed
and panted at the surrounding area. He would usually take his pack out for
a hour walk every week.

He pulled on the blue leash, tugging one of his bigger dogs away from someone's
lawn. The neighbor would always go on and on about Kakashi letting his
dogs do their business in his lawn.

Kakashi walked with his dogs at his heels. When he reached the park, he
unclipped all the dogs leashes and let them run around. Two of them
stayed with Kakashi because they were trained to protect.

Kakashi crouched down and pet his bulldog. His father insisted on him
having at least one of him with him at all times. He wasn't sure why.

Kakashi walked over and sat down, his bulldog laying next to him.
Then Kakashi felt someone touch his shoulder, he looked up and saw

"This yours?" Obito held up his leg, to see shiba biting his ankle.

"What did I say about biting shib!" He grabbed the dog and pulled
him away, holding him close to his chest. "Sorry about that" He laughed

Obito shook his head "it's fine, how many dogs do you own! There's
like ten running around and killing squirrels!" Obito shouted.

"Actually eight" he pushed loose strands of silver hair behind his ear.

Obito sat down "so, how have you been?" He asked.

"Um.. good" Kakashi looked away, Obito was dangerously close.
Kakashi ended up telling Obito about his arms, and the bandages.
He figured he might as well know.

He doesn't know it all though, not that it happens when
he feels affection.

"You okay" he placed a hand on Kakashis shoulder.

Kakashi felt his entire arm zap, Shiba whimpering under the sudden
shock "oh! Sorry, sorry!" Kakashi set Shiba down, petting the shaking dog.

"Woah, chill man, almost killed him" Obito commented.

Kakashi looked away "yeah, sorry shiba" he watched the dog run off with
frizzled up fur. Kakashi sighed "how am I supposed to even live if I
just hurt everyone who touches me.. I'm almost a danger.." he looked away.

Obito paused "no, you're not a danger you're just... highly likely
to shock someone.." He scooted away "it's fine" he smiled.

Kakashi hugged his knees, looking down at his steaming arms
"Maybe it's better I just stay away from people.. the more I love
them the more it hurts for them" he mumbled.

"What! No! You can't just leave because you're a dange- I mean..
a misunderstood person" he smiled "the point is, it's okay, you can find
a way to control it"

Kakashi looked away "but.. I've been trying.."

"Oh? How long?"

"Ten years" he said blankly.

Obito put on a empathetic face "well.. I'm not going to sit by
and let you keep torturing yourself" He grabbed his hand.

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