I just needed time

600 14 51


The picture above is a dog my family rescued from
the street, isn't she a cutie🥺
(Sorry it's low quality, my camera ain't the apple 67
apex legendary corx code 9000 so💞)

This chapter will be angst! So.. prepare yourself.. mentally💀

The walk up felt cold, he felt empty. What was he going to do
once he was there? He didn't know, but something drove him to
keep walking, keep remembering.

He opened the heavy door, closing it behind him. He noticed, the stormy
clouds above, great. Would he really have to? In this weather.

He walked along the cement flooring below him, looking to his right
seeing other roof tops. Was this the way out? Would he be happy
if he did this?

It was all too much, the pressure, the memories, the grief, the
sorrow. He couldn't take it anymore.

He heard someone burst through the heavy door he was previously
at, seeing their hair flow in the foggy wind.

"Step away Kakashi, This isn't right! You have so much-"

Kakashi turned around, Obito seeing the dead look in his
eyes making him quiet down "what do I have to live for? A ninja
life? A life that will probably kill me anyway?" He asked.

Obito looked down, silent.

"You hate me. You make that very clear Obito. Now suddenly you
care? You know and understand nothing" he said, keeping his
dark look.

Obitos breathing became shaky "but.. I want to" he stepped forward.
"I've been lying to myself. About you, and my thoughts on you" he
said closing his eyes.

Kakashi looked back over the edge, seeing the many people looking
up at him or the cars below. Everyone looked so small from
this distance.

"I honestly couldn't bare to see you do this.. it would break more
than just my heart Kakashi, Rins, Minato sensei, your father"

Kakashi turned his head, looking at him with wide eyes.

"You.. said you didn't want to be like him right? Leave the people
you love, choosing death over peoples feelings.." he said.

They looked at each other, the only sounds being the thick wind and
the crowd below. Letting the words sink in, Obito spoke up.

"I can't stop you from doing this. But I'm going to damn well
try" he stepped forward.

Kakashi stepped back, giving him the sign that if he stepped
any closer, he'd jump.

Obito understood, backing up. "I don't want to live my life
knowing I could have stopped this" he said, sternly.

Kakashi looked down at the street, all the passing cars "fine. Say
something that'll make me stop. It won't, but on your conscious, you'll
know you tried" he closed his eyes.

Obito took a minute, giving him a small smile. "I'd make
you happy" he said.

Kakashi looked back, confused.

Obito looked down "I'd love you for the rest of my life, I'd take
care of you and treat you like my prince. Every day, for the rest
of our lives, I'd do anything to make you the happiest boy
ever" he said, his cheeks growing pink.

Kakashi looked at Obito, and back to the street. "How do I
know you're not just saying that to keep me from walking off
this roof right now Obito" he looked back.

Obito curled his hand into a fist "you don't, that's why you just
have to trust me" he reached out his hand with a smile.

Kakashi looked at his hand, feeling the weight on his shoulders
lift. Looking at him, he seemed so genuine, so sweet. Kakashi's
eyes locked on him.

He stepped off the ledge.

Walking towards Obito, hesitantly grabbing his hand. Obito pulling
him close, whispering to him "thank you, I promise I will make
you happy, with all my heart" he said, tightening his grip onto Kakashi.

Kakashi closed his eyes, realizing the mistake he could've almost

He almost missed out on this honesty, this moment. He almost
missed out on the only thing now keeping him happy, Obito.

Obito held him close, slowly picking him up and taking him back
down the building. He smiled, knowing he was able to save
someone so dear to him.

Whatcha think??? Was it good? Bad? Meh?

I decided to do some angst since it's been like.. what?
Five days since I did angst? No four... anywho!

Hope you liked it! Oh! Almost forgot!


Love you!💞💕❤️

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