Head over heels for an elf

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Wanna see a picture of my baby!💗🌺💕💞 isn't she adorable😍

Okay, this is going to be a fantasy au🥳🎉🎊

Kakashi will be a grey elf, but, I made him have photokinesis
abilities. I'm aware his appearance and abilities may not be accurate to a actual
grey elf, let's just call him my Kakashi au💞

Obito will be human, also known as lame.

So! I hope you enjoy this chapter *bows*💞🌺💗

Obito opened his small eyes, looking around to see a lot of fire and people. He panicked, and
looked around. "D-dad..?" He asked quietly, when he got no answer, tears formed into his eyes.

Obito ran around, seeing people attacking them. Obito panicked more, running and looking for
his father. He stopped, hearing quiet cries.

He looked over, seeing one of them. This one looked smaller than the others, it looked to be around
Obitos age. It looked exactly as his father had described. Long silver hair, and long elf ears. It was scary
to see one in person, so Obito though about running.

"Daddy..? Please wake up.. I'm scared..I lost big brother and momma.." the elf cried, as he asked
the dead elf on the floor.

Obito looked back, feeling sympathy. His father described the elves to be mean and selfish, but
this one looked so harmless and sweet.

Obito breathed in and out a few times, getting the courage to walk up to the elf, he sat down next
to him, the silverette jumping back.
"Stay away! I have.. this! And I'm not afraid to use it!" The elf screamed, a small ray of light
illuminating from his hand.

Obitos eyes went wide with fascination "woooah, how did you do that!" He asked, looking at
the light coming off the elves hand.

The elf paused "um.. my momma taught me.." he mumbled.

Obito looked up "I'm Obito, my dad says you are mean and powerful, and I was worried" he

The silverette looked away "you look a lot like that man who shot my daddy.. he wasn't very
nice.." the elf mumbled.

Obitos eyes went wide "do you know where he went!?" He asked.

The elf shook his head.

Obito looked down "well, do you want me to help you find your mom?" Obito asked.

The elf smiled slightly, nodding his head. "I lost her and my big brother a few minutes ago.." he

Obito grabbed his hand, standing up and walking him away from the crowds of people. He
knew exactly why his father wasn't waking up, he was dead, he just wanted to distract his new elf
friend from that.

He looked back, seeing many of his people holding bright torches and bows. He looked back at the
elf, who looked really scared. Why would his dad want to kill the elves? They seemed so nice.

He ran away, deep into the forest with the elf, until the war cries were replaced with the sounds
of forest critters and bugs.

Out of breath he asked, "what's your name?" He wondered.

The elf turned around, his silky silver hair catching Obitos attention "um.. Kakashi"

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