The last strawberry

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I got this idea from just eating strawberry's XD
I hope you enjoy! <3

team 7 decided to take a break from training to have a snack, they sat down in a open area
in the training grounds before Rin pulled something out her backpack.

"I had a feeling we would be training so i packed this!" Rin pulled out a bag of fruits and
snacks for them to eat.

"Woah! Your prepared for everything!" Obito said as he snatched the bag.

Rin giggled "their for everyone Obito" she took the bag and pulled out many snacks.
Strawberry's, blueberry's, banana, chips, water, and chicken sandwiches.

"Rin the goddess of stomach pleasers" Obito said as he grabbed a handful of strawberry's and

Rin giggled once more before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Thanks Rin" Kakashi said as he grabbed a sandwich for himself.

"N-no problem Kakashi" Rin said as she hid her face behind her sandwich.

"Kushina-sans going to be upset when she finds out I spoiled my appetite" Minato said
nervously as he bit into a banana.

"Hey Obito" Kakashi looked at Obito who was stuffing his face.

"What!?" Obito said a bit muffled from his food.

"Could you not eat all the strawberry's, I want some too!" He complained.

"Sorry, too late" Obito said as he held up one strawberry.

"Did you really just eat 17 strawberry's!" Kakashi complained.

"Maybe" Obito smiled. He bit into the strawberry. "Now there's no more!"

Obito watched Kakashi crawl over with a mad expression, he pulled down his mask
and bit into the strawberry that was in Obitos hand. Obitos started freaking out.
"Didnt I just put my lips on that!? He- I-" Obito went red as Kakashi bit
down on his food.

"Will you quit eating my food!" Obito snatched it away.

"It's not my fault you hogged all them you pig!" Kakashi grabbed his wrist.

Obito wasn't about to let Kakashi win. Obito bit into the strawberry with a smile.

Kakashi's expression was mad as he grabbed Obitos wrist again and bit the strawberry.
"You could've just shared" he pouted.

"Didnt want to" Obito said as he thought about how he just pressed his mouth on something
Kakashi did the same on.

"Whatever Obito" Kakashi sat up again and continued eating.

But Obito couldn't stop thinking about it, he brushed it off and stuffed his face.
He looked at the strawberry Kakashi bit, he stopped himself before he did something
he regretted.

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