Met in a weird way

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This is mostly fluff! No angst because I feel bad :(

Rin grabbed Kakashis arm, dragging him, Kakashi pulling back.
"Please go with me Kakashi! It'll be your first ever high school party! I want to
be the person to get you there!" She pleaded.

Kakashi looked back "Rin I already explained, my anxiety and agoraphobia are
not suitable for party's.. beside, I'd rather just stay at home.." he mumbled the last part.

Rin sighed, walking to Kakashi "I know, but sometimes, you need to try new things, and
I'm tired of only bringing Kurenai to parties, she gets way too into it and I end
up finding her sleeping on the side of the road, not doing that again" she said sternly.

Kakashi looked at the other side of the block, a certain house with lights, music, and
loud voices being seen from the distance.

Rin always helped him with his fear, having her around made large crowds and packs
of strangers feel a little less scary, but no way he could stay in a small house, with most
his high school crammed in there.

"Rin.. you promise to hold my hand? I don't want to get lost" he said, looking down.
He really didn't want to go, but seeing how happy Rin looked, no way he could
just leave.

Rins eyes sparkled "sure! Whatever you need!" She grabbed his hand, running down
the sidewalk, Kakashi regretting even agreeing to leave the house the minute
they reached the door.

Kakashi hesitated, but Rin didn't, running into the house, Kakashi brushing his shoulders
past drunk and laughing people.

Rin led him far, the house wasn't really small, it had a large living room that was
connected to the kitchen, a stairway by the front door, and a back door off to the

There were open pizza boxes on the counter, cans and empty soda on the floor, and a
wide selection of drinks. Kakashi wasn't a drinker, and never knew what being drunk
felt like, and seeing all the drunk people, he definitely did not now.

Rin smiled, opening the fridge and taking out a bottle of Fanta "think you might get
a girl? Eh?" She smiled, twisting the cap of the soda bottle.

Kakashi visually shook "no thank you, most the girls here drink.. and they are
quite mean" he said, grabbing his arm, trying to be as casual as possible, but the
crowds of people making his breath grow fast.

Rin grabbed a red cup, pouring in some Fanta "wanna go to the pool? They're playing
some games upstairs.. or we could stay here" she suggested.

Kakashi shook his head "I don't really like water.. so I guess we can go upstairs"

Rin took her cup, grabbing Kakashi's arm and leading him through the people. For
a moment, Rins arm was separated from him, and he immediately lost sight of
her, he started to panic.

He looked around, no brunette girl in sight. He called her name, the music way too
loud for anyone to hear him. He was pushed around, feeling the room grow smaller.

He closed his eyes, starting to run. He didn't care where he was going, he just didn't want
to be in this crowd anymore, he bumped into someone, falling to the floor.

He opened his eyes, a blond boy looking down at him. The boy looked intoxicated, his
face blushing and his eyes looking droopy. He dropped his red cup, just staring at

"Are you oka-"

"Hey pretty boy~ first party? Haven't seen you around" the blond boy crouched
down, placing his hands on the floor, pinning Kakashi to the ground.

Kakashi scooted back, his heart beating fast "y-yeah... you mind b-backing up.. I
don't really like physical tou-"

The blond boy covered Kakashi's masked mouth, shushing him smoothly "I can make
this experience better~" he smiled, moving his face closer to Kakashi's.

Kakashi closed his eyes, curling his legs and kicking the boy in the pelvis with both
his feet, the boy fell backwards, groaning in pain. Kakashi scooted back, tremblingly
getting up.

He ran off, hearing the boy catcall him.

He got to the front door, figuring he should leave, but then he remembered Rin. He
sighed, knowing he couldn't just leave her here, with men like that.

He walked upstairs, hearing people laughing and joking around. He wasn't a social
person, hence why he didn't want to even come to the party.

He saw Rin, holding a wine bottle "man.. it's my turn.." she said, placing it on
the ground, and spinning it, the bottle slowing with every second.

Rin spotted Kakashi standing up and running to him, in the process, kicking the
bottle to the other side of the room "hey! You're late! Come on!" She grabbed
his hand, racing him to the circle.

She sat Kakashi down, someone handing him a bottle. His eyes went wide, how could
he slip away? He looked up, sighing in defeat as literally everyone was staring right
at him.

He placed it on the ground, basically hearing Rin holding in her excitement. Kakashi
has never kissed anyone before, and he wanted his first kiss to be someone he
liked, but maybe that would never happen.

He twisted the bottle, swinging his hand and watching as the bottle spun. It slowed,
Kakashi's heart racing.

Before it stopped, someone touched the bottle, turning the tip towards them. Kakashi
looked to his right, and sitting right next to him was the boy who turned the bottle.

He had messy black hair and a black sweater on, blue jeans and a neutral face on, despite
just turning the bottle towards him.

Kakashi leaned back "th-that has to be cheating" he looked over at Rin, who
shook her head.

"You're just scared to kiss a boy" she shrugged "scaredy cat can't do the point of
the game" she smirked, folding her arms.

Kakashi gave her a side eye, he'll show her. He turned to the boy, who was
staring at him. He sat up a bit, jumping onto the boy and grabbing his face, kissing
him aggressively, sending a message to Rin.

He isn't a scaredy-cat, and he was proving it. His legs wrapped around the boy
he was kissing, the boys hands around his waist, pulling him closer.

Everyone playing the game was cheering, must be their first time seeing two
boys kiss, so was Kakashi's.

He never kissed a boy, anyone for that matter. He wanted his first kiss to be
special, and it didn't disappoint.

He didn't even know this boy, but despite that, as soon as he pulled apart, he
pulled his mask down and gave him a kiss without it. The kiss felt too special, not like
a random kiss you'd get from a stranger in this game.

Kakashi pulled apart again, his shy personality regaining after his uncovered confidence
died down. He slid off the boy, looking away, trying his best to hide the dusty blush
over his face.

Rin nudged his shoulder "you enjoyed that, I could tell" she said, whispering.

Kakashi looked back over at the boy, pulling his mask back up. He didn't deny it, because
that would be a huge lie.

Obito smiled at the blushing boy, finally, after two years of seeing Kakashi in the
halls, and quick greetings in class, he finally kissed the boy of his dreams.

And all it took, was ever so slightly adjusting a bottle he happened to have

...well?? I hope you liked it! I thought of this all on the spot so hopefully
it doesn't look sloppy <3

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