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Ayyyy 11:42 pm😵‍💫

Obitos never slept with someone before.

Not in the sexual way but just sleeping in the same bed with someone, never done it.
So when Kakashi stayed the night at Obitos house, you can only imagine how weird
it was for both of them.

Making it more weird, Kakashi wasn't aware of a little inconvenience he had.

When Obito and Kakashi were ready for bed. The two just sat down, heads and
backs on the headboard and talked for a bit.

It took a few hours before Kakashi fell asleep. He rested his head on Obitos
shoulder making the raven haired boys face turn a dusty pink.

"Play it cool, play it cool, play it-" Obito mentally smacked his
own face "pull it together man! It isn't gay or anything..." Obito
rested his head on Kakashi's.

Before he could protest to himself, he fell into a deep sleep.


Obito woke up to the sensation of movement. He opened his eyes, still
trying to adjust to the darkness.

He saw Kakashi sitting up tiredly.

"You okay?" Obito glanced over at the clock 3:33
"Whys he up at 3 in the f#cking morning!?"

Kakashi slid off the bed.

"Can we go back to sleep? It's-" Obito shut himself up as he saw Kakashi sit
on the ground, knees to his chest.

"Oookayyy... can we go to bed now?" Obito stood and walked over
to the silverette. "Bakashi?"

Only when Obito crouched down to Kakashi's level was when he realized that
the silverette was asleep.

"You gonna sleep on the ground!?" Obito asked.

"Shut.. up" Kakashi said, unaware of what was happening.

"He's f#cking sleeptalking...I have a idea hehe" Obito internally laughed.
"Are you an idiot?"

"Sure..." Kakashi said, resting his head on his knees.

"Do you like rin!?" Obito asked.

"No.. she's like a sister" Kakashi mumbled.

"Then who do you like?" Obito liked this. He could get all of Kakashi's secrets
just by talking to him in his sleep.

"Mgnnn sleep.." Kakashi stood up and fell onto Obito.

"Ohhhh... he's sleepwalking" Obito realized. He watched Kakashi open the
door and walk out the room "he's sleep walking!?" Obito
rushed after the silverette.

"Should I wake him?" Obito wondered "hey bakashi?" Obito touched Kakashi's

Kakashi spun around and kicked Obito in the gut, causing him to topple

"Oh come on! He trained himself to fight in his sleep!? Does this guy ever
f#cking relax!?" Obito stood up, holding his stomach as he watched
Kakashi walk to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Obito asked.

Kakashi went to the window and smashed his head through it, landing
outside without waking up.

"Are you okay!? That window costs a lot you know! Are you retarded!?" Obito asked.

Kakashi stood up and climbed back inside the house, walking to the bathroom.

Obito looked at his smashed window "300 bucks.. right there" he sadly followed
Kakashi to see him standing on the counter, sticking his hands in the sink. With the
tap on.

"What are you doing?" "This guy has a serious case of sleepwalking.."

Kakashi climbed off the counter and pushed Obito out the way of the bathroom
door. He walked out, Obito following close behind.

No words were said. Obito just curiously walked with Kakashi, back to the bedroom.
Kakashi laid back on the bed, feeling around.

"Obito?" Kakashi asked, Still asleep.

Obito sighed. He laid back down on the bed and Kakashi immediately hugged him.
"This guy.. he's definitely got brain damage... at least he does now thanks to him
breaking my f#cking window with his skull!"

Kakashi rested on Obitos chest and looked as if his little episode stopped.
Obito didn't sleep. He waited and watched the clock go from 4:00 to
5:00 to 6:00.

Kakashi woke up at 6:27 and looked up at Obito.
"You okay? You've got some glass in your hair?" Kakashi took out
the glass in Obitos hair "why do you have glass-"

"Kakashi I f#cking hate you.." Obito closed his eyes.

Kakashi looked at him confused.

"But that's why I love you so f#cking much"

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