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Modern au

Kakashi hated school.

School wasn't boring or hard, it was because of a certain boy. His name was Asuma. Every
day that boy would make Kakashi's day a living hell. What's worse is that Asuma was
a smoker. At 13!?, the thought made Kakashi gag.

One day Kakashi just snapped. It started with him waking up with a headache. Then, being so
tired, Kakashi missed a step on the stairs and bashed his head on the floor. After tumbling
painfully down. He slipped after getting out the car for school. And worst of all, he forgot his
school bag in all that.

He gave up and went to school anyway, not wanting to deal with any sh1t. He went to
his locker because he made sure to keep spare notebooks and pens in case he forgot his
school bag.

As he was grabbing his school supplies. His locker door slammed shut, right on his right hand.

"FU#K!"  pried open the locker to see Asuma standing next to it, his hand on
the locker door.

"Sorry about that. Didn't think your hand was there" Asuma laughed "it wasn't even
that bad"

Kakashi looked down at his hand, it had red marks all over from the door.
"Asuma, take you and your sh1tty attitude away from me!" Kakashi yelled.

"I honestly think my days going great" Asuma grabbed Kakashi's hair and
pulled his face up "hows yours?" He asked.

Kakashi grabbed Asumas arm, that was painfully grabbing his hair. Asuma
threw him to the ground with a smirk.
"I said, how's your day?" He laughed.

Kakashi closed his eyes and held his breath he grabbed Kakashis neck and lifted
him off the ground.

Kakashi felt his feet leave the ground, his eyes shut tight as he struggled to breath. His
hands placed over Asumas in desperation for air.

Suddenly, Kakashi was dropped to the ground, he looked up and saw Obito push
Asuma to the locker.

"Can't you see he's in pain!? Leave him the fu#k alone!" Obito grabbed Asumas neck
and pushed him against the locker "doesn't feel nice does it!?"

Asuma struggled for air, Obito released him and he ran off. Obito looked
over and gave everyone with their phones out a f#ck off face.

The students walked or ran off, looking at their phones. Obito went
to Kakashi and felt his face.

"You okay? That guys a di#khead" Obito lifted him up.

Kakashi stayed silent but looked down, he wasn't too good at talking to people, so
talking to Obito, after just saving him, was more difficult than he thought.

"Yeah... thank you" Kakashi said as he looked back at his wrist.

Obito grabbed Kakashi's wrist gently and looked at it "come on, let's get you
to the nurse" Obito led Kakashi nicely. His voice changing from irritated to soft in
just a minute.

Kakashi admired the boy leading him, without him Kakashi would've probably been
in the hospital.

Kakashi blushed all the way to the medic. He realized two things, Asuma was a jerk. And
that Kakashi liked boys.

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