From bullied to feared part 2

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Lets just say this is revenge for the chapter you made😈

Obito looked down at the phone, he smiled brightly, nodding quickly. Kakashi
typed down a word in Japanese and repeat it in English out loud, Obito doing
the same.

It was always like this from then on. School would start, then class, English
lessons in the library alone, few more classes, then they'd go home.

Kakashi gave Obito his number, so that he could tutor him over the phone
or tell him to come over to learn English. Sakumo was surprised to see
that Kakashi went out his way to tutor someone, it made him smile.

The day that Obito found out what I love you meant, he apologized
to Kakashi for embarrassing him that one day. Kakashi smiled
and said it was alright.

Kakashi started to notice a lot of new things about himself when being with
to Obito. He was more expressive, and smiley. Not once did Obito peer
into questioning Kakashi about his leg and Kakashi respected that.

Obito wasn't the outgoing annoying kid Kakashi thought he was, he was
actually kind of sweet and silent. Kakashi started to even catch feelings for
the boy but pushed it away, knowing he's only known the boy for two
to three months.

Obito started getting really good at English, being able to now speak
with Kakashi for full sentences, forgetting a word or two but he was
able to be understood, and he understood Kakashi.

Obito was glad he could actually talk to Kakashi, the barrier between them
was lifted now that he could speak with him.

Obito was very curious why everyone at school feared Kakashi, so
he decided to talk to him one day.

They were sitting on Kakashi's bed, with an English book, teaching
some bigger words to Obito. When they were taking a break, Obito got
enough courage.

"Hey Kakashi?" Obito asked.

Kakashi looked up from his book "yeah?"

"I have a question" Obito looked down.

"I may have an answer" he flipped a page in his book.

"Why does everyone fear you in school?" Obito asked.

Kakashi stopped. He closed his book and sighed "no reason I particularly.." he
looked away "when I first entered that school, they bullied me because
of my hair, face, etc. when I broke my leg, they abused me and pushed me
around like their punching bag" he said quickly.

Obitos eyes widened "that... doesn't make sense.. why are they scared?" He

"Because I beat up the most popular girl.. don't worry, she's fine. And she
wacked me with me crutch before I could do anything, so it's her fault
for picking a fight" he looked away.

Obitos eyes widened "wow... I can't believe it.."

"Cant believe what?" Kakashi looked up.

"That my best friend is a total bad b1tch!" He smiled.

Kakashi felt his face heat up "we.. we are friends..?" He asked.

"Yeah! Aren't we?" He asked "I always assumed we were" he smiled.

Kakashi looked down "I've had a friend this whole time..?" He asks. He
slightly smiled. The last time he had a friend, they got hit by a bus.

"Do you want to be my friend???" Obito asked, leaning close and grabbing
both Kakashi's hands. He looked overly excited to ask.

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